Portland, OR asked in Divorce for Oregon

Q: Am i liable for my wifes student loans after we divorce?

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1 Lawyer Answer
Joanne Reisman
Joanne Reisman
  • Portland, OR
  • Licensed in Oregon

A: In Oregon you aren't liable for the debts of your spouse unless your name is connected with the debt as the responsible party for paying the debt OR the court in a divorce orders you to pay the debt OR the debt qualifies as a debt that was for the benefit of the family and the creditor seeks to have you held responsible to pay the debt using ORS 108.040. https://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/108.040

The latter exception, under ORS 108.040, isn't automatic. So you aren't liable under this statute unless and until a creditor files a claim against you and your spouse for the unpaid debt and the creditor alleges that you should also be liable for the debt using this statute, and then this is proven in a trial or hearing (if you contest the allegation). Because it is not easy to use ORS 108.040 it isn't used all that often. Just know it could be used.

In most divorce cases I have work on, each spouse took responsibility for paying their own student loan debts. There could a reason for there to be an exception, but that is normally how it works out.

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