Marietta, OH asked in Child Support for Pennsylvania

Q: My ex-wife is refusing to send clothing with my daughters for their weekends at my home. Is this legal/her right?

My ex-wife is the custodial parent of our two daughters. They are with me every other weekend and various vacation weeks throughout the year. She states that the money I provide to her for child support covers clothing for her house only and she is not responsible to share this. Is this correct?

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1 Lawyer Answer
Kathryn Hilbush
Kathryn Hilbush
  • Media, PA
  • Licensed in Pennsylvania

A: This is a perennial argument between divorced parents. Technically, your support contributes toward ll of their needs, including clothing. I encourage my clients with primary custody to share them because, after all the only ones who actually suffer are the children. I encourage my clients with partial custody to keep some clothing at their homes so the children have changes of clothes when they're there. It's one of those issues that's probably not worth the expense and time of litigating compared to the costs of having a couple changes of clothes at your house. Often the courts tell the non-custodial parent to have back-up clothes anyway, just in case. Now, one of the things that always sets the custodial parent off is when the other parent doesn't send all the clothes the children came with back with them. That can work both ways. So, I suggest that you have the basics - underwear, PJ's, socks, tee shirts and bottoms, a sweater/sweatshirt. light jacket, maybe a bathing suit in the summer. It's easier for the children and you rather than the constant back and forth about her not sending clothes. And it gives you the opportunity to take them shopping so the can help pick out some of their things, which can be a nice bonding experience for all of you and hopefully give them some additional choices when they're with you. Some children really enjoy that and it puts you in a place in their minds of not just being the parent they go to visit.

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