Q: What does "Status: 710 - cancelled - section 8" mean on a trademark?
If a name is showing a trademark and then shows the above: "Status: 710 - cancelled - section 8"
A: That code means that the trademark was cancelled due to failing to timely file the proper renewal paperwork. The first trademark renewal is due after the five year anniversary of the registration date, during that fifth year. The second renewal is due ten years after the registration date. Third and subsequent renewals are due every ten years after that.
A: For trademarks registered with the USPTO, the 710 cancelled - section 8 status means that the registration for this particular trademark has been can yelled due to failure to file required maintenance forms. This does not mean that the trademark in question is no longer being used by the owner or by any other business in the US. A trademark applicant should conduct a clearance search to ensure trademark availability.
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