Taking Advantage of Justia Ask A Lawyer
Justia Ask A Lawyer is a free question-and-answer forum allowing attorneys to increase their visibility on the Justia platform, showcase their legal acumen, and market their practice, all while helping people in need.
Participating in Justia Ask A Lawyer offers lawyers a free opportunity to increase their visibility before the millions of visitors to the Justia platform each month.
Justia Ask A Lawyer offers lawyers a unique opportunity to showcase their knowledge and build credibility with potential clients by answering real legal questions submitted by real people.
The questions and answers submitted via Justia Ask A Lawyer remain on our site, creating opportunities for lawyers to be contacted by future potential clients with similar questions.
Users with a Justia Account can anonymously post basic legal questions on various topics for lawyers to answer.
Our team moderates the forum and reviews submitted questions to ensure that they are legitimate questions submitted by real people.
Any lawyer with a free Justia Lawyer Directory profile can answer available questions. If a question has already been answered, lawyers can agree with the previous answer or provide a better one.
If you’ve already claimed your Justia Lawyer Directory profile, you can answer questions immediately. If you are a lawyer and have not claimed your free Justia Profile, you must claim your profile before answering questions. Remember, only lawyers listed in the Justia Lawyer Directory can answer questions submitted through Justia Ask A Lawyer.