Pottstown, PA asked in Criminal Law for Pennsylvania

Q: terroristic threat- should he cooperate and go in for the police interview or can he decline??

my son 16, was having a conversation with his best friend about an incident in september where a lunch bag was popped under the lunch table and the bf got scared because it sounded like a gun, and they were laughing about it. Another student went and asked them why they were laughing and they told him. This then turned into that person telling his friends etc and a report was then made saying that my son and his bf were going to shoot up the school w specific details. They pulled my son from class who knew nothing was going on, searched him, locker etc and took him into a room were he was questioned and intimidated by the principle. They then locked him in a room, and called police to search. Nothing was found etc. They called me but when i got there they would not let me see my son. Aftern 30 min I barged in, and made them take me to him. He was alone in a locked room hysterical and hyperventilating because he thought he was getting arrrested. Hes suspended and now cops want

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1 Lawyer Answer
Ryan L Hyde
Ryan L Hyde
  • Criminal Law Lawyer
  • Exton , PA
  • Licensed in Pennsylvania

A: He has the right to remain silent, he has the right to an attorney. Anything he says can and will be used against him. Get him an attorney ASAP. There are reasons to give statements but those statements should be controlled by an attorney. Police are very good at getting the content they need to convict. Sit down and talk to an experienced attorney. Given the news cycle this case is very serious.

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