Brandon, MS asked in Car Accidents for Alabama

Q: I had an accident on a rural county road near butler, Al. Car vs tree. Tree won. Question is in the “more info” part

My truck was totaled and off the road by at least two feet. No report was filed as there was no need. I left a note on my windshield saying that I will be back the following morning to have it towed back to my home which happens to be over two hours away in Brandon, MS.

I called the Choctaw sheriffs dept. after I got home, about 7 hours after the accident, to make them aware of he accident and that I’d be towing the truck home the next morning. At that time the dispatcher told me they were currently having my truck towed to a collision repair shop in Butler, AL. My question is this, Is what they did legal and am I legally obligated to pay the towing fee plus storage fee which is now in excess of $600? In Mississippi they leave warning notes on abandoned vehicles for 5 days before they are towed. I would REALLY appreciate some help as I am not familiar with Alabama Law. THANK YOU!!

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1 Lawyer Answer
Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
  • Personal Injury Lawyer
  • Wyomissing, PA

A: Contact your local AAA they may tell you. You leave it you pay for it as you waited 7 hours to tell the sheriff.

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