Freeport, IL asked in Landlord - Tenant for Illinois

Q: We have been living in this house for about 2 years. We had a lease the first year in May 2015 and have not renewed.

My labdlord texted me that she has to move out of her house because she is unable to afford the property taxes and bills for her current home. We spoke to her in person on February 26th 2017 about what all we would owe and figure out when we have to be out. She states that she has to have alot of work done to her house and it has to be on the market by April 1st. She asked is to be out by March 3rd and wants to prorate rent costs 30% a day, so $21 a day. We pay $650 for rent each month. By the time we leave, it will be around $216 for prorated rent and pay some for propane. We are being rushed out of our house within 2 weeks because she can no longer afford her own home. The house we are looking at is not available until march 8th and she was wanting us out before that. Can she legally evict us within 2 weeks if we paid our bills and we had no complaints? The only reason she is making us leave is because she has to move in. I read a ton of laws online but I want to be sure.

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1 Lawyer Answer
Swati S. Desai
Swati S. Desai
  • Landlord Tenant Lawyer
  • Lincolnshire, IL
  • Licensed in Illinois

A: In the State of Illinois, the only legal method of eviction is through legal process.

There is no such thing as a "self help" eviction in this state - your landlord cannot legally change the locks or drag your possessions to the curb.

This is true whether you have a lease or not.

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