Toledo, OH asked in Criminal Law for Ohio

Q: Q: Can a 20 year old date a 16 year old? Is just kissing ok? What happens if we have sex? please answer for all question

Can i date her without her parents permission? What if her parents okay and without sex? Please answer all questions bc i respect law and i dont want troubles.. I like the girl so i dont want to lose her :/

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1 Lawyer Answer
Matthew Williams
Matthew Williams
  • Criminal Law Lawyer
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Licensed in Ohio

A: A 20 year old can date a 16 year old, and can have a private, consensual, sexual relationship with a 16 year old under most circumstances. However, it is illegal if the 20 year old is in a "position of power" over the 16 year old. These include boss, coach, teacher, doctor, therapist, camp counselor, etc. Her parent's consent is irrelevant to the question of the legality of the relationship. A 16 year old doesn't need her parent's consent to have sex with an adult, legally speaking, nor can a parent grant consent for a child under 16 to have sex with an adult.

She is, however, still her parents' child and they can set reasonable rules and punish her for disobedience. Not sleeping with adult men is a reasonable rule. They can also ban you from coming to their home, and have you arrested for trespassing if you violate the ban.

There are number of other ways for an adult involved in a sexual relationship to get into trouble. Most importantly: child pornography. Any sexually explicit image or video of her is child porn. It is illegal to possess, create, solicit, distribute, etc. The penalties are really steep. You can sleep with her, but a single nude photo of her could end with you spending years in a federal prison. Weird right? So no topless texting. Got it? Make sure she understands this concept.

Aside from that, keep in mind that she is a minor. If you supply her with drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes, or engage in risky behaviors with her, you could be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and child endangering.

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