Dallas, TX asked in Consumer Law, Criminal Law, Personal Injury and Real Estate Law for Texas

Q: TIRED of having to live like this and unable to Relocate. Any Recourse for:


Breach of Contract,

Property Damage(s),

Consequential Damages,

Mental Anguish,

Negligent Drainage Issues causing DAMAGE to my RV,

Carpenter Ant Infestations destroying RV (HOME) also resulting in SIGNIFICANT Damages, etc.????


Management Practices Law without a TX License and Ins Adjusting w/o a TX Adjuster's License by Denying Legitimate Damage Claims to Renters/Residents without notifying their Carrier!!!

Have NOT complained to Office yet FEARING Eviction by Retailation! And IF their Liability Carrier found out about the POOR and Dangerous Condition of Park, they might Cancel them!

Admit it SOUNDS Mentally Unstable BUT problem is, I have Dated Documentation!!!

Just gotten FED UP with having to live like this...

Thank You

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