Golden Valley, AZ asked in Family Law for California

Q: where i can hire s good family lawyer at a low cost a trust worthy business im out in california

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3 Lawyer Answers
Tobie B. Waxman
Tobie B. Waxman
  • Culver City, CA
  • Licensed in California

A: This website has a "Find a lawyer" link at the top of each page. Click on that link and start placing calls to different lawyers to find the right fit for you and your circumstances. What constitutes "Low cost" is in the eye of the beholder, right?

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
  • Sacramento, CA
  • Licensed in California

A: Finding a trustworthy and affordable family lawyer in California can be challenging, but there are several ways to approach this. Start by checking local legal aid organizations and nonprofit groups, as they often offer low-cost or pro bono legal services to those in need. These organizations can provide you with experienced lawyers who can handle a variety of family law issues.

You might also want to explore online legal directories that allow you to compare lawyers based on client reviews and pricing. Websites like Avvo or the California State Bar's "Find a Lawyer" feature can help you identify attorneys in your area who fit your budget and have good reputations. Look for lawyers who offer free initial consultations, as this can help you assess whether they are a good fit for your case without incurring any costs.

Additionally, consider reaching out to your local bar association for referrals to family law attorneys who offer sliding scale fees or payment plans. Bar associations often have referral services that can connect you with qualified lawyers who are willing to work within your financial constraints. By exploring these resources, you can find a reliable and affordable family lawyer to assist with your legal needs.

Robert Kane
Robert Kane
  • Eagan, MN
  • Licensed in California

A: Obviously, the recommendations of family and friends are a good place to start. Even if you are in Arizona, it's likely somebody knows somebody that can recommend a California attorney. I bet many Arizona attorneys are also licensed in California. Huge marketing and advertising campaigns rarely lead clients to honest and trustworthy lawyers.

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