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California Workers' Compensation Questions & Answers
2 Answers | Asked in Employment Discrimination and Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: Is my employer retaliating and/or discriminating against me?

March ‘18 my manager sexually harassed me. I didn’t report it until August ‘19 due to fear of retaliation and because I’m male and felt no one would listen. I reported it after speaking to a therapist about it. My employer investigated but closed the case without any findings and left it as... View More

Louis George Fazzi
Louis George Fazzi
answered on Aug 14, 2020

You need the assistance of a couple of good lawyers. First, you need a Worker's Compensation attorney to handle your work related injuries. Secondly, you need an experienced attorney who knows how to handle discrimination and harassment cases. You described a classic harassment case, and you... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Employment Law and Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: Filed a wage claim For owed overtime wages through labor board, and now ex employer wants to settle by paying me $3000.

She is thinking of filing for bankruptcy, should I settle or is there another way to get what I’m owed?

Maurice Mandel II
Maurice Mandel II
answered on Aug 13, 2020

If your former employer is really considering filing for BK, the quicker you get the money in your bank, the better off you will be. Cannot evaluate the claim because you did not say how much you asked LC for. The LC claim could become just another claim in BK and you would get a fraction of its... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Immigration Law and Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: Immigration and workers comp

My mother who is an immigrant and an employee of a company where she works as a farm worker in California, was recently put on workers comp due to her having nausea and dizziness that made it unsafe for her to work. after getting the OK from her doctor to go back to work, she went to the main... View More

Nancy J. Wallace
Nancy J. Wallace
answered on Aug 12, 2020

Labor Code 132(a) makes it a misdemeanor crime for the employer to demote or terminate an injured worker just because they requested workers comp benefits. The trouble here is the employer can defend by claiming it really had nothing available for Mom with her skill set. CAN MOM PROVE that this... View More

3 Answers | Asked in Employment Law, Workers' Compensation and Employment Discrimination for California on
Q: Getting paid less then new hires that I have to train. Is it legal?

I got laid off Dec 2019, got rehired 2 weeks ago, I asked for $14 an hour. My manager said they couldnt pay me that. I had a friend apply and she got hired and will be paid $14 an hour. I will be training her and yet getting paid less then her. Is it okay for employers to do that? I am 45... View More

Neil Pedersen
Neil Pedersen
answered on Aug 8, 2020

It is generally not unlawful to pay newer employees more money than those with more seniority. Seniority has no power or priority unless you are in a union environment.

However it is unlawful to be treated poorly because of your race, or age over 40, or other membership in a protected...
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1 Answer | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: I was at a hotel for company business, I used the spa/pool. When leaving the spa to use the pool I slipped and fell

Face forward down the steps. My employer stated this was not a workers comp case since being at the hotel “ was like being at home and I was involved in a leisurely activity”.

Nancy J. Wallace
Nancy J. Wallace
answered on Jul 31, 2020

Your employer is just WRONG. SKIP contact with this cheap boss and put everything IN WRITING to the Workers Comp Insurance Company listed on the poster in the 'conspicuous' location at the workplace (required by law). Here's the case where a guy dove in the shallow end of the pool... View More

3 Answers | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: A workman's comp doctor just MMI me based on an 18 percentage with stipulations of no bending lifting more than 10 lbs

Or for more than 20 minutes per hour or sitting more than 20 so my question is I was told I was no longer able to do my job that I've been doing for 30 years and disability dropped temporary disability and gave me permanent disability based on 18%. My question is so if I'm not able to go... View More

Gary Alan Jackson
Gary Alan Jackson
answered on Jul 24, 2020

you need to consult with an experienced workers compensation attorney to assess if MMI is appropriate at this time, what you can do and cant do regarding work restrictions and what the most accurate permanent disability percent is. workers compensation is very complex and going cheap to save 15%... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: My wc claim was denied at day 92. Decision date was set for 8th and the response letter was dated 10th.

What are my odds of having that denial deemed invalid? Carpal tunnel claim and anxiety.

Nancy J. Wallace
Nancy J. Wallace
answered on Jul 21, 2020

To prove the defendant went passed the 90 days, you have to have PERFECT proof the employer had the written claim form on a certain date. Your testimony you gave it to someone on a date won't work, because the other guy will just claim you gave it 2 days later and the judge won't know... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Workers' Compensation and Employment Law for California on
Q: I won my workers comp case after 2 yrs. & need to pursue the 132a that was filed. My lawyer doesn't handle 132a.

I'm having a tough time finding a lawyer to take my case. My employer pretextually discriminated against me & fired me for filing workers comp. I have a strong case. Any help would be much appreciated.

Neil Pedersen
Neil Pedersen
answered on Jul 19, 2020

132a is only one of a couple of ways to pursue rights associated with being retaliated against for filing a workers compensation claim. In fact, depending on the financial and emotional distress losses associated with that wrongful conduct, pursuing the claim under Labor Code section 132a would be... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: What information do I have a right to request during a workers comp investigation and how long do they have to comply?

My supervisor was interviewed in the course of my workers comp claim investigation, do I have a right to request a summary or the recorded audio of that interview and if so, how long does my employer or the insurance company have to comply with my request for that interview? What other information... View More

Nancy J. Wallace
Nancy J. Wallace
answered on Jun 22, 2020

You don't have the right to the "work product" of the defense investigator/attorney UNLESS it is submitted to the reporting doctor for review and comment. YOU can set deposition of the supervisor, but you have to pay the court reporter hundreds for the original and a certified copy... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Employment Law and Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: Can a worker’s compensation claim in CA be open/valid if the employee has not filed or signed anything?

Does a works compensation claim go into effect the moment that I inform my employer of an injury and their paperwork is filed with the insurance company and before I even file my paperwork or sign any sort of documentation? And despite my not having filed a claim form or signing any other documents... View More

Neil Pedersen
Neil Pedersen
answered on Jun 20, 2020

There is absolutely nothing unlawful about your employer or its workers compensation insurance company and claims administrator immediately starting to investigate a claim of workplace injury once it is reported. If you have concerns about the insurer's actions, your best move is to hire a... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: Workman's Comp is now working with my attorney and WC Judge to come to a settlement. This is a four year situation.

my question (my attorney is out of town and not available to answer this question... Any. the case is about to be

settled. I was just informed by an x-co worker, that the company that this accident happened. WAS SOLD ON

FRIDAY! Will this effect the settlement outcome in any way?... View More

Gary Alan Jackson
Gary Alan Jackson
answered on Jun 16, 2020

only your attorney can provide you legal advise and information about your specific case. you will need to set an appointment to address your concerns with your attorney.

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2 Answers | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: Do I have to accept what they offer?

If work comp just sends me a settlement check with no communication at all, do I have to accept it or can I negotiate the amount? How do they figure what the points are worth? How do they put a price on the loss of use of a body part?

Ronald Mahurin
Ronald Mahurin
answered on Jun 6, 2020

Workers compensation insurance carriers are required by statute to make payments when specific events happen, for example you are found TTD, or MMI. The statutes require the carrier make a good faith effort to pay PD at the end of TTD if you are not working. So the check might not be a settlement... View More

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4 Answers | Asked in Employment Law, Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: If I become handicapped from my job and I habe a spinal cord injury and I'm in pain everyday and can never work again.

Is there anything I can do to sue for mental distress . my Employer took advantage of me and worked me to the core because I am Mexican. It doesnt sound right to just get a 132a case. I will never be the same. They purposely broke me down.

Neil Pedersen
Neil Pedersen
answered on Jun 4, 2020

It is difficult to give you a helpful answer without knowing much more. There is a very bright line drawn that says any workplace injuries you suffer, even emotional distress, that is caused in the workplace must be handled within the workers compensation system. There are very limited exceptions... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: I was sent back to work after 2 wks of work men's comp . How long will it take to make a offer to me for my injuries.
Haleh Shekarchian
Haleh Shekarchian
answered on May 20, 2020

Worker’s compensation doctors are bias and they send you back to work even though in most case they shouldn’t. The law says you have to treat with them but the law allows you to be evaluated by a neutral doctor one time to know your true disability and your true need for future treatment. Once... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: I was sent back to work after 2 wks of work men's comp . How long will it take to make a offer to me for my injuries.

I been going to their Dr and therapy since March. Also how do they calculate a offer to me if they pay for my Dr Therapist medication and rides to my appointment s?

Haleh Shekarchian
Haleh Shekarchian
answered on May 17, 2020

Worker’s compensation docotrs are very bias and they do return you to work even though they shouldn’t. In their final report they give you low percentage of disability and little need for future treatment. The law allows you to be evaluated by a neutral doctor to see what your true disability... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Employment Law and Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: My job is decideing to open back up even tho it is a recreational center for swimming. According to the directions.

We are going to be giving job duties Far outside of what are initial hired position is. If we refuse to go back we will be let go, and unemployment will be informed that we refused work, and we will then loose are unemployment eligibility for refusing work Forced upon us even tho the work is not... View More

Neil Pedersen
Neil Pedersen
answered on May 13, 2020

In California, you are considered to be employed at will unless you have an agreement to the contrary about that status with your employer. The employer of an at will employee has the absolute right to change the terms and conditions of employment, including job title and duties, at any time and... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: witness affidavit question

I just asked a question. However... For upcoming Workman's comp trial coming soon...

my witness will not attend this trial! I had asked... upon this notarized witness statement..

Can this witness (arrived as I was pinned under a large erase board) witness did assist... View More

Nancy J. Wallace
Nancy J. Wallace
answered on May 15, 2020

All WCAB trials now are by telephone. Your witness MUST have access to a telephone!!! You will have to get the Judge's hearing line plus the access code and train your witness how to phone in and enter the code when the voice tells him to enter the code. OR bring your witness to your... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: I am preparing a "witness affidavit" statement. I am going to have it notarized.

Upcoming Workman's Comp trial. I am the Witness and am preparing a Affidavit that will be notarized.

I did not see the object fall on this person, but I was called by cell from the injured person. I went and

found this person under a large dry erase board on top of her. I... View More

Ronald Mahurin
Ronald Mahurin
answered on May 12, 2020

You do not need to have the statement notarized, as a notary is irrelevant'. You need to add a verification stating

I (name) declare under penalty of perjury the above is true and correct except for those matters plead on information and belief and I believe them to be true....
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1 Answer | Asked in Workers' Compensation and Employment Law for California on
Q: Short term disability application : workers comp related or not.

If one applies for short term disability (casdi) and marks it as NOT being related to a workers comp issue, does that automatically preclude a later finding that the injury was due to (at least in some part or exacerbated by) working conditions, or is that avenue closed?

I would rather... View More

Ronald Mahurin
Ronald Mahurin
answered on May 4, 2020

The avenue is not closed, but gets big bumps. The first thing a defense attorney for the employer is going to produce is your SDI application for the court and say that you have no standing to file a WC case because the injury was not work related, as supported by your SDI application, which I... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Workers' Compensation for California on
Q: What are good reasons required for change of venue in california workers comp? I need to move 400 miles away.

I have psychological reasons: ptsd, anxiety & physical: back & knee that make travel difficult

Ronald Mahurin
Ronald Mahurin
answered on May 4, 2020

All that is required is good cause. You file a petition with the presiding judge where the case is venued asking for it to be reassigned to another location. Therein you provide a statement on why the change is necessary. Absent objection from defendants, you should not have a problem.

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