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Michigan Landlord - Tenant Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: If I give 30-days notice to landlord, what are my rights if he cones back and says we need to be out in 2 weeks because,

that's when lease expires. Have lived there 6 years, always paid on time, etc. Haven't had a lease in over a year.

T. Augustus Claus
T. Augustus Claus pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jul 14, 2023

If you have been living in the property for over a year without a lease, you are likely considered a month-to-month tenant. In most cases, providing a 30-day notice should be sufficient to terminate the tenancy.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: i was recently sued in court for a landlord tentant case me being the tentant and didnt know til the last court date he

is a lawyer and after showing in his paperwork summited that he had pictures of my kids and i dont know how he got them think he had cameras ans showing the judge that his receipts didnt match his bank statments and other things found out he opened my mail sent to his house and opened it and... View More

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Jun 15, 2023

The time period to appeal is very short and is explained in your copy of the court order. There are several actions you need to take to successfully appeal, and they need to be done timely or you completely miss the opportunity.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant and Real Estate Law for Michigan on
Q: Can condominium landlord still use the garbage services I pay for?

I have owned my condominium in Michigan for 25+ years and lived there the first 15. I still own the unit, but now I'm a landlord and rent it out. My tenant sends a monthly check to me and I pay the mortgage, taxes, and all condo association dues.

The condominium hires a waste... View More

Kenneth V Zichi
Kenneth V Zichi
answered on May 5, 2023

What does your lease say about that?

What about the condo association rules?

Does the contractor have limits?

How would you accomplish that?

If you’re getting the idea that you cannot get specific legal advice without hiring z lawyer you’ll understand why...
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1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Landlord/Tenant question about eviction process in Georgia!

Due to a family emergency with my elderly parents, I had to relocate to Michigan. I could not pay my rent on April 1st. I contacted my landlord on March 31st and explained to them my situation. I have never been late on my rent until April. On April 11th, I received an email from my landlord... View More

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Apr 22, 2023

You need to contact a Georgia attorney if the property is located in Georgia.

If Georgia law is anything like Michigan law, you may be in a tough spot with your lease expiring. The landlord could elect not to renew your lease regardless of your payment situation - the question would be a...
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1 Answer | Asked in Contracts and Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: If an apartment doesn’t list that a application fee is refundable or non refundable is that illegal?
John Michael Frick
John Michael Frick
answered on Apr 5, 2023

If the apartment is located in Michigan, apartment application fees generally are non-refundable.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: My landlord is trying to evict me over $349 that I paid on January 11th. I called western union they said it was cashed.

I do not know what to do in regards to this because I have the receipt and paper demanding I pay or I will have to go to court. I paid. The next month it is still sitting on my account balance. Western union said i would have to fill out a paper , send it in with mail with a $30 money order to find... View More

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Mar 9, 2023

If the money is still in your account, regardless of mistake, you would be wise to now pay it to prevent eviction.

2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law and Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Can a leasing agency legally enter my apartment when I am not present and without my permission if I live in Michigan?

The leasing agency did a complex-wide inspection for pets. My apartment was inspected while I was not there, and I did not give permission. They claim to have sent six notices of the inspection to my email weeks beforehand, but I did not receive any emails about inspections. Is what they're... View More

David Soble
David Soble
answered on Mar 1, 2023

They can enter only if there is proper notice that is usually defined in a provision within the lease, or if there is an emergency. For more information please see

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1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Can a landlord force the tenant to do repairs on the house even though they were not the tenants fault?

There is a sentence in the lease that states I am responsible for ALL repairs.

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Feb 13, 2023

Without looking at the lease, it's a reasonable interpretation to assume "all repairs" include those not your fault.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Can my co-op tell me me that my 17 year old granddaughter is not permitted to drive in our complex?

My 17 year old granddaughter lives with me in my co-op. The co-op office manager and co-op lawyer say that she is not allowed to drive in our co-op. Her car is legal and safe to drive. They say if survelience video catches her driving, I will be fined or possibly evicted. I have provided the office... View More

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Dec 8, 2022

Are they alleging she broke a co-op rule? It's possible for them to do that if they're saying some rule you agreed to by being a part of the co-op has been violated.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: I'm trying to get a lease from my landlord and she refuses to answer back to giving me a copy I've had several issues

With my house and she refuses to have them fixed she's constantly driving to and passed my house then texting or rolling her window down and hollering out but will not answer me she has already put her hands on me and grabbed me by the arm what can I do

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Nov 21, 2022

Do you already have a lease signed, and you're just wanting a copy? What you can do depends on what you're willing to do. I think you can find a better place and a better landlord who will treat you professionally.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: This is about defamation of character. Where I reside they stated that I owed almost $6000 in back rent 275.00 late fees

I have documents of the above and a email from there office “everything is up to date”. Their make false accusations in writing too the court me an eviction notice on my apartment door.

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Nov 1, 2022

This isn't defamation of character. Best thing you can do is respond to the allegations in court.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Is it legal for my landlord to wait months without informing me that I’m late on rent, then try to evict me?

Had I been notified I would have paid. I’ve been a tenant here for 4 years and there has never been a month that I was late and wasn’t notified until this year. I reside in Michigan.

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Oct 22, 2022

Good question! You may have a defense of waiver. You should seek the assistance of a local attorney quickly.

1 Answer | Asked in Real Estate Law and Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Can a mobile home owner offer sheds to buyers, but not renters? If I want one, I have to pay for the concrete and shed.

The park is paying to put in concrete and sheds for people buying their home, with a small fee added to their lot rent. But if I, a renter, want a shed, I have to pay for the concrete, and the shed. And the shed has to be approved by them. This just seems backwards to me. As I would have to pay for... View More

Kenneth V Zichi
Kenneth V Zichi
answered on Oct 10, 2022

The park can do what it wants with ITS land. And if that means something you don't understand that is still OK.

I can see how the park might think "someone renting is likely to skip out in the middle and leave us a mess to clean up, but a purchaser is in it for the long run so...
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1 Answer | Asked in Real Estate Law and Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Can a township bill you for a tenant's past-due utility bills in their name?

I had a tenant on a land contract purchase agreement that put the utilities in his name including the sewer bill. He could not make payments and violated the land contract with illegal drug activity so he was kicked out by the court of Menominee County, MI. He had left a sewer bill of $661.29 and... View More

Kenneth V Zichi
Kenneth V Zichi
answered on Oct 5, 2022

Municipality owned/operated utilities for water and/or sewer CAN under state law, add unpaid bills into the property taxes. This doesn't sound 'unusual' to me.

What DOES matter is your misuse of the word 'tenant' which makes me think you didn't get legal advice...
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1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: I received a eviction notice 8/28/22 with a notice to quit attach from 04/22/22 which I never received with mcl554.134

The notice to quit was in April I've been paying my rent and they even mailed a renewal for my lease in July which I turned in is it possible it's just a miscommunication I'm confused

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Aug 29, 2022

It's possible the landlord routinely sends notice to quit near the end of the lease term so that if you don't want to renew, then there is no issue with forcing you out when your lease ends.

1 Answer | Asked in Civil Rights and Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: I need help with an eviction case. I believe it’s a retaliatory eviction. Along with a violation of the fair housing act

I am also disabled and I have been discriminated against by my landlord. He has put my children and me in a very bad situation by not repairing water and electrical issues. I need to find a pro bono attorney because I am waiting on my wage loss along with my lawsuit to settle. Please if someone... View More

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Aug 23, 2022

You should contact your county's legal aid office. If you've been served and have a court date, the court will probably already have someone from legal aid ready to assist you for the subsequent hearing.

1 Answer | Asked in Real Estate Law and Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Mailing a filing of summons and complaint for an eviction for my parents’ house (DPOA for both-they are in GA, I'm IN)

1. There are 2 defendants (unmarried). Am I able to put both names on the one complaint and summons? how many copies of each “packet” (including summons, complain, notice of quit, no lease because there isn’t one) do you need to send for each

2. Do I need to send the original green... View More

Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Aug 19, 2022

I would suggest that for your costs and time, it would be most cost effective for you to hire a local attorney to conduct the eviction. The onus is on you as the landlord to meet each procedural and administrative step; a misstep - even unintentional - could delay, or in worst case, cause the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: I'm being harassed and threatened with death by my neighbor I've continuously text my manager and she's done nothing
Brent T. Geers
Brent T. Geers
answered on Aug 15, 2022

Sounds like you need to look into getting a PPO and / or contact the police.

2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law and Landlord - Tenant for Michigan on
Q: Uncle bought my house 18 years ago promising it would be mine. I have paid everything. Now wants to sell, what can i do?

I paid all of the mortgage, taxes, repairs etc. we have no signed contract.

Michael Zamzow
Michael Zamzow
answered on Aug 4, 2022

You're outlining a case that comes with a strong headwind. I am hesitant to say it is definitely barred until more information is divulged. While on the one hand it is certainly true the statute of frauds will inevitably be a defense raise by your uncle, it is not a straightforward case:... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant, Consumer Law and Insurance Bad Faith for Michigan on
Q: My storage was broken into, I filed a claim & made a police report. My claim was denied.

The thieves broke off both my locks and put their own locks on so I couldn't get into my storage. The storage company siding with the insurance company which I pay insurance on my storage monthly. My claim was denied.

Kenneth V Zichi
Kenneth V Zichi
answered on Jul 25, 2022

What exactly is your question?

I can’t imagine a storage company ‘siding with’ anyone. Had you paid your storage bill? The scenario is unclear.

If you didn’t pay your bill they COUKD have auctioned off you’d stuff for back rent and Re rented the unit to someone else who...
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