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New Jersey Child Custody Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for New Jersey on
Q: Help!! Need clarification of custodial living distance after remarriage.

I live in NJ and am the primary custodial parent of my 2 kids. Can I move to where my fiance lives after we're married? He lives outside of 50 miles from where I live... 85 to be exact. I hear mixed advice when it comes to this. First, I'm told I can't move outside a 50 mile radius.... View More

Richard Diamond
Richard Diamond
answered on Apr 1, 2020

Im not sure where the 50 / 85 mile radius issue is coming from, but beware of taking advice from friends.

Some states actual do have a radius requirement for relocation purposes with children in their custody and parenting time plan statutes - New Jersey does not and there is nothing in...
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2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: What to do when the mother refused to give me my daughter during my parenting time? Can I get custody back?

Hi, I am divorced since 2015, I have the father with set visitation. I live in NY and the mother lives in Monmouth County NJ, 60 miles away. She has full custody. Very often I travel 1.5 hours to pick up my daughter and then the mother refuses to let her go with me. When I call the police they just... View More

Teresa L. Reichek
Teresa L. Reichek
answered on Mar 23, 2020

Thank you for reaching out. I'm sure this is a difficult and stressful situation for you. There are several things you could do involving the court system. If you feel your daughter is in danger you could file an Order to Show Cause.

More likely, you will need to file a Motion for...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: My husband and I separated still married 10 months ago he moved elsewhere now hes in pA Im in NJ....

Dont want him to see the kids anymore i I feel its unsafe there as theres two csp cases where he lives his gf and the lady they live with will not givw me any info plus they drink and more maybe

Our 1 son has special needs also has epilepsy

Can i keep the kids from him till the divorce ?

Teresa L. Reichek
Teresa L. Reichek
answered on Mar 12, 2020

Thank you for your question. I'm sure, as a Mom, that this situation is very stressful for you. The answer, as with most legal questions, is that it depends. If you have already filed a Complaint for Divorce then you can file what is called a "pendente lite" motion. That just... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Adoption, Child Custody and Family Law for New Jersey on
Q: Dyfs case in nj. The mother lost custody and after 18 months the case is in adoption and termination of rights.

I just found out 2 weeks ago about my daughter and got paternity results. Will I be able to get her ? I don’t have a dhs case can I just file for custody ? I want her but do I have to be involved in this dyfs mess if I just found out about the baby ?

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Mar 2, 2020

Thank you for your question. Sorry that you are faced with this issue. DCP&P (formerly DYFS) is obligated to reach out to you as the father of the child as terminating parental rights of course also affects you as the father. You need to involve yourself in the DCP&P case as soon as... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: I am divorced and my youngest daughter is not happy with her mother. How can I get custody of her.

She is now 15 and calls me all the time crying. She should not be this unhappy

Noel Rivers
Noel Rivers
answered on Feb 15, 2020

The short answer is that in order to seek a change of custody, you must file a motion in court requesting the court to order a change of custody. Given the age of your child, the court may be willing to consider her preferences with respect to which parent she prefers to live.

This can be...
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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: Ex and I have joint custody, 50/50. Can my 18 year old daughter choose to live with me full time?

My ex and I have joint custody, 50/50. Can my 18 year old daughter choose to live with me full time? Will this require legal action? I pay minimal CS, and will follow up with my atty on that, just wondering about choice of physical location? Thanks

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Feb 11, 2020

Thank you for your question. You do not specify whether you have joint legal or joint physical custody, or both, which will be crucial in allowing us to provide guidance to you. With that being said, custody is always subject to modification when there is a chance in circumstance, and your... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: If a father is trying to take custody of his child does it count if he gave up his rights via text message? Im in NJ
Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Dec 10, 2019

Thank you for your question. While certain communications between parties may be admissible in Court, a parent cannot legally surrender their parental rights via text message.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Domestic Violence for New Jersey on
Q: Can my daughter of 5 month old have supervised visitations with her dad?

Her dad molested her And I went to court (still fighting this, he denied it). He also was very abusive towards me during our time together, and I feel he will be abusive with my daughter too. He lives in an apartment that any one from his family go to when they don't have a place. So, I will... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Dec 5, 2019

Thank you for your question. There are options available concerning supervised parenting time. The issue would ultimately be decided by a court, unless he agreed to it, wherein a judge would make a determination based upon the best interest of your child. Additional facts are necessary to better... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for New Jersey on
Q: How do custodial changes in circumstances get handled in NJ? My kids have moved from their Mom's to me.

Good morning. Both of my kids (now adults) have opted to move out of their mother's and move in with me. Oldest (now 21) moved out just before turning 19, and now lives on her own. Youngest (now 18) just moved in with me and still attends HS. I have not done anything legally yet. I... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Dec 4, 2019

Thank you for your question. Custodial changes can occur and be handled in a few different ways, but generally, a change in residential custody of a child, and of child support obligations, should be handled by written agreement and/or court order, depending upon the circumstances. It appears... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: I found my baby girl (4 month old) dad molesting her. Can I get full custody?

I don't have a video or prove. I saw him and I confronted him. Can I go to court even though I don't have a lot of prove. Only messages.

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 27, 2019

You should have called 911 if you did not already do so and press criminal charges. You need to be represented by an experienced matrimonial attorney, this is not something to even think about attempting on your own.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: I share Joint Custody of my two children. Oldest child is 15 wants to live with me due to hostile environment

My almost 16 yr old wants to live with me and feels unsafe there due to emotional and mental abusing behaviors of her Father. I need to know how to proceed. Would she be able to still attend her school and live with me? He has gotten worse in his behaviors over the years. My oldest seems to get the... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Nov 26, 2019

Thank you for your question. To obtain a change in residential custody, you must first demonstrate that there has been a change in circumstances from the last time custody was addressed (i.e., the last court order or agreement). It sounds like your circumstances may qualify. It is imperative... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: I want to move out and i have a place to go, my parents wont give consent. Im going to be 18 in 4 months, it it illegal?

I am planning to move in with my best friend I've known for years, and her parents are completely okay with it as long as they don't get into any legal trouble. I don't feel comfortable living here at all and I have no relationship whatsoever with anybody in this household. When i... View More

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 16, 2019

You are still unemancipated, so you cannot move out. But, a minor child may be allowed to petition a court for emancipation to free the minor child from the control of parents and allow the minor to live on his/her own or under the control of others

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: Can I get child support from ex-husband if he refuses to leave our martial home? He said he would in paperwork 1yr. ago.

He has joint custody and wants kids Half the week. My 16 year old feels that will be hard moving back and forth in middle of the week. She also doesn’t want to live with him as she would be going to a room that is too tiny and won’t have space while my 9yr. Will have bigger room. She wants to... View More

Teresa L. Reichek
Teresa L. Reichek
answered on Nov 6, 2019

Thank you for your question. It sounds like you have several issues going on. Each situation is unique, so the answer is almost always "it depends". If you have a Court order or agreement that says he will move out and he has not then you should consider an enforcement action in court.... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for New Jersey on
Q: i Have my son 6 Overnights a week, and 4 days. His father has him 1 overnight and 3 days. What type of custody is this?

I am trying to figure out what type of custody this is(60/40, 70/30, 50/50) and if I qualify for child support. I have my son over night Sunday-Friday.. and his father has him over night, only Saturday, and I pick him before 5 on Sunday evening. He also has him during the day Monday from 4-9 and... View More

Teresa L. Reichek
Teresa L. Reichek
answered on Nov 4, 2019

Thank you for your question. Child support and parenting time can be confusing for a lot of people. It does not matter how you describe your parenting time situation. In New Jersey the percentage of time is determined by the overnights the child spends at each home. If the child spends more... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support and Divorce for New Jersey on
Q: My husband has been unemployed for 6 years. I filed for divorce and he is in default. Now suddenly he has a good job. I

I already sent in equitable distribution papers asking for things at a lower level . Can I change the papers

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Oct 16, 2019

Although you can amend the document, you really need to retain an experienced matrimonial attorney. You are emotionally involved, do not know the rules of court, case law and many more factors.

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for New Jersey on
Q: I have joint legal custody I’ve had my daughter thru court since 2017. I had her every weekend except the third weekend

In sept 2019 we had mediation and there we agreed to alternate weekends, the mediator told us that if it doesn’t work we could go back to how it was. The reason I want it to go back to how it was is because Now this has affected my daughter emotionally the days she doesn’t see me {two weeks}... View More

Noel Rivers
Noel Rivers
answered on Oct 15, 2019

You should consider hiring an attorney to represent you if you would like to seek a modification in your current parenting time agreement because there are many factors that come into play in these types of cases and it is impossible for any attorney to direct you with limited information. That... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Divorce, Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for New Jersey on
Q: What form or forms should I be completing to respond to a motion filed by my ex-husband? I do not agree with his motion

My ex-husband and I filed our own divorce paperwork in 2014. He filed a motion two weeks ago that I disagree with and need to file a cross motion. I want to make sure I am filing the correct forms and providing the correct information. The more I read about the content of cross-motions, forms,... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Oct 7, 2019

Thank you for your question. Although the Court does have forms to address the application that has been filed, it would be best to consult an attorney to ensure an appropriate response is filed. As you note, this process can be difficult. Certain rules must be followed in order to ensure that the... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Collections for New Jersey on
Q: Can I move out at 19 without a parents permission? And will the cops get involved ?

I have strict parents and I’m 19 they do not let me do anything I want to move you but I’m afraid that they’re going to call the cops.... can I move out at 19 without their permission ??

Teresa L. Reichek
Teresa L. Reichek
answered on Oct 4, 2019

Yes. Once you are 18 years old you have reached the age of majority. Unless you are declared mentally incompetent you are free to do as you please including vote, sign contracts or move out. That being said you need to consider if you have enough income to support yourself. It would not be a good... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Divorce, Family Law and Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: Hi if my ex schedules activities on my visitation weekend am I required by law to take her?

We have joint custody of our 9 year old daughter with him having residential custody. I see her every other weekend. The court order says he is supposed to ask and discuss all extracurricular activities, medical, religious, and school decisions. Instead he signed her up for soccer in which the... View More

Teresa L. Reichek
Teresa L. Reichek
answered on Sep 17, 2019

Thank you for your question. I understand that must be very frustrating. My response is predicated on your court case being in a NJ court. You are supposed to agree on extra curricular activities, then you are responsible for taking your daughter during your parenting time. You are not a bad... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: I go a letter from nj with both "custody" and "parental time" from her dad whose in jail and his mom can they get 100%

Is this for visitation or full custody? Her father is in jail awaiting a case of domestic violence against me! Can his mom take her? If so, why would she be able to? I work and provide myself and get food and a home, clothes and toys. She's the happiest kid you'll meet. She's fat and... View More

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Sep 15, 2019

Your not yet ex-husband and his mother have ZERO chance of getting custody or visitation.

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