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Results matching "lemon law attorneys florida"

1 Answer | Asked in Lemon Law, Contracts and Landlord - Tenant for Florida on
Q: What is the lemon law
Andy Wayne Williamson
Andy Wayne Williamson
answered on Apr 20, 2018

There is no way to explain the in's and out's of the Florida Lemon law via this type of forum. You can google the Florida statutes. I suggest that you consult with an attorney in your area about your specific set of facts to get specific advice on whether your situation falls under the... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Consumer Law for Florida on
Q: Repo guy came to "repossess" my 21 y/o Harley which has never had a note on it. I've owned it since 2002.

I wasn't home so I didn't see the repo "paperwork" so I have NO idea who is looking for me. A VIN search shows my title as clear (no liens) and I am in possession of the title; I have never used the Harley or anything I own as collateral against another loan. Back in 2008 my... View More

Andy Wayne Williamson
Andy Wayne Williamson
answered on May 8, 2018

On the facts stated, that is no way to answer your question. I suggest that you consult with a consumer rights attorney in your area, and keep the bike under lock and key as best your can.

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1 Answer | Asked in Products Liability and Lemon Law for Florida on
Q: I purchased a used car a month and a half ago. The check engine lite is on and it leaks oil. Can I return it?

It is the same problem since I first got it home. I have returned to the dealer 9time as of yesterday. I have asked him to change the car or return my money,but he refuses. How should I deal with him , and how do I deal with the lender. I contacted them about the problem but they have no interest... View More

Matthew J Ausley
Matthew J Ausley
answered on Oct 19, 2017

The state of Florida has a “Lemon Law” which may apply in your situation. Essentially, you will deal directly with the car’s manufacture to have your car fixed or get your money back. You can find out more information on the process by going to the website of the Florida Office of the... View More

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