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Questions Answered by Christie Tournet
1 Answer | Asked in Real Estate Law and Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: Can I break my lease?

My landlord refuses to answer phone calls. She refuses to deal with any issues in the house. My doctor wrote out a note stating that being I am pregnant the house is becoming a hazard to my health and my unborn childs because water and electricity in the home is unreliable but I have no way to get... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Nov 6, 2017

Send written notice as required under the lease. If it goes uncured and you have confirmation of health issues with your environment specifically, you likely have cause to terminate. Seek another leased premises, move out, leave in like condition as to when leased, and you may also be able to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Probate for Louisiana on
Q: how much to file will in probate court?

it is to close a very small bank account


Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Nov 6, 2017

Depends. A surviving spouse can access up to $10k in a bank account by affidavit and without opening succession. If the Decedent passed away with a Will that Will controls and must be probated - confirmed to be valid and to place correct beneficiaries in possession. The types of probate further... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Estate Planning, Family Law and Probate for Louisiana on
Q: 4 siblings 5 houses, 1 store. Can one sibling end up with 2 houses and the store?

In Louisiana, My grandparents own 5 houses and a store. They have 4 children. Grandfather passed in 2002. She did a succession on 3 houses where everyone was listed. But on the store and 2 houses, she changed it in 2008 to be just her name. Can she will everything of hers to one child or no matter... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Nov 1, 2017

Depends on whether there was a will directing this distribution. If no will, you have to look at 1) the nature of the property - separate or community? and 2) the surviving heirs: a surviving spouse, just children, any pre-deceased children. Answers to these questions affect the outcome.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: in Louisiana, can a private landlord charge a reasonable/modest charge for labor when fixing damage caused by a Tenant?
Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Nov 1, 2017

Yes. The important considerations are that damages are itemized and provided to the tenant within thirty days of move out to prevent potential damages of attorney fees and costs in addition to whatever security deposit amount is still owed the tenant.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: Landlord has history of not refunding security deposits with bogus allegations. Could we not pay last month of rent?

We live in Louisiana. We have a 1 year lease that ends November 30th. We were expecting to renew the lease but the landlord sent us a letter Saying we need to move out by December 31st. We want to move dec 1st not at the end of December.The problem we are having is debating whether to not pay the... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 30, 2017

If your lease ends November 30, you should be out November 30th. You should also pay your November rent in full, but also document the condition of the premises with pictures, video, and a end-of-lease checklist with the lessor, if you can. You can ask now/set a date to do a walk through with the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Land Use & Zoning for Louisiana on
Q: Neighbor is running a auto mechanic shop on a residential zoned lot. Sub div covenants prohibit it. What action?

Attempting to sell my house located across street. Way too much vehicular traffic for a rural dead end street. Subduvision covenants classify lots as residentual only. What legal action can be taken. Lots are zoned r1 by the parish.

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 26, 2017

If it is rural, you may not have a property management company enforcing the restrictions. If that is the case, you may still be able to rely upon municipal/parish zoning. If the neighbor is running a business, with traffic, out of a residence, zoning/code enforcement may be able to put a stop to... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Estate Planning and Probate for Louisiana on
Q: property was willed to my 3 sisters and myself with one sister being the administrator of the will. The house has

Been empty for around a year and a half and has been neglected. The administrator doesn't allow any of the other heirs to live in the house and maintain it. Does she have the right?

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 23, 2017

NO. An administrator only takes the reigns during the succession proceeding, if necessary and the administrator actually bears a fiduciary duty to maintain and preserve the succession property, account for the property, and close the succession. If the will is valid, and the Will directed the... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Estate Planning for Louisiana on
Q: Can I amend a notarized will with a hand-written supplement. Would it be honored if contested in Louisiana court.
Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 23, 2017

Yes, you can amend a notarial will with a hand-written codicil. For a handwritten codicil or will to be effective under Louisiana law, it needs to be dated, written by you, and signed - at the end - by you/in your handwriting. However, while a valid form for a will/testament, an olographic... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: Can I withhold rent until my landlord takes care of a mice problem?

Lived in the apartment for 4 months and all of a sudden I started getting mice. I told the landlord and they just put out sticky traps you'd get from the dollar store. I still had problems and they tried to seal some holes but that didn't work. They haven't done anything really to... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 17, 2017

The lease contract always controls - it is the law between you and the landlord. So, as to maintenance, pest control, etc., look there to see if it is spelled out. Also, Louisiana law requires that the landlord provide you with a safe, habitable premise. To the extent that there is a rodent... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Probate for Louisiana on
Q: My aunt said we (My sisters, mother, and myself) were not allowed to go to my G Maw's house does she have that right?

My dad is my grandmothers son and he said that we could go but she says she will have us arrested if we even step foot in the yard. Sorry I forgot to mention my grandmother recently passed away.

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 11, 2017

The pressing issue is where are you going and who owns the house? If it is grandmaw's house, then it is grandma's say and aunt's opinion/threat is of no real legal matter. However, if the aunt has power of attorney for Grandma, then the aunt can act in certain instances for... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Contracts and Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: Can i have someone removed from my appartment thats not on the lease dont pay rent and recieces no mail there
Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 11, 2017

If the person is not a listed occupant on the lease and pays no rent, then you can end whatever invitation you extended for them to "visit" at your residence. Whether law enforcement will want to get involved is another issue - they likely will only get involved for criminal trespass... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: Are we responsible for home owner insurance if we lived in home?

Question from Louisiana. My mother bought a second home approximately 5 years ago. My husband and I along with our 4 kids have lived in the home. Verbal agreement was we pay the homeowners insurance. My mother recently gave us 30notice to vacate she intends to sell. We vacated on Sept 15th. We... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 11, 2017

Because your agreement was verbal, the result is a month-to-month lease agreement. And, generally, you would not be responsible for any utilities or other payments that cover a time period after your vacancy.

1 Answer | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: Ive told my landlord that my roommate is breaking the rules on the lease and she's done nothing, what can I do?

He's basically moved his girlfriend in and my landlord hasn't done thing about it. She has no job, eats all the food I buy, and destroys the house. I've talked to the landlord and I've gotten no response. What can I do to get her out?

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 5, 2017

If your landlord is not interested in enforcing the lease provisions, assuming that it calls for you and the room-mate as the only occupants, then, this is going to be something that you need to take up with your roommate. Actually, if the lease outlines limited occupants, then by permitting... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Probate for Louisiana on
Q: Father died without a will and was married. He had 4 rental properties before marriage and one purchased after marriage.

He used his money he had before marriage to buy house and car wth wife name on both. He also had joint acct with sister name on it. Can wife claim anything?

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Oct 2, 2017

The property acquired before your father's marriage will be considered separate property and if your father passed away without a will, that property transfers, by intestacy (no will) law, to all of his children. If no children, it passes to further collateral heirs. The property acquired... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Real Estate Law and Probate for Louisiana on
Q: My father passed in 1986, my brother became the administrator of his estate. He left no will. I and my 4 siblings live

in another state. We trusted our brother. He claims there was very little for us to claim. I didnt recieve anything not even notice from the estate or court. I forgot about it over time thinking there was nothing. Now that La. has online records I decided to search info for my Family Tree. I found... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Sep 27, 2017

Probate counsel needs to look at the succession pleadings and determine if things were mishandled, as appears from the circumstances. Potential remedy may start with a demand to the sibling and brother, but chances are, if the brother misappropriated estate assets, there may be none left at this... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Contracts and Landlord - Tenant for Louisiana on
Q: If I broke a lease can my landlord decide not to rent the apt after i'm gone to make me responsible for the remaining

Technically my landlord broke the lease first by entering my apartment several times while i was at work without my permission and the law states that when the lease is broken the landlord must actively be looking for a new tenant and once rented the last tenant would only be responsible for the... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Sep 18, 2017

The landlord may be entitled to certain relief under the contract, but it also cannot sit back and refuse to market and lease the property in attempt to collect greater damages. The landlord has a duty to mitigate its damages. So, whether the landlord marketed, showed, and attempted to lease the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Land Use & Zoning and Real Estate Law for Louisiana on
Q: I am interested in obtaining a lease on a "land locked" parcel of land (A).

I am interested in obtaining a lease on a "land locked" parcel of land (A). The parcel has another parcel (B) parallel to parcel A that separates it from a public road. Parcel B has a state maintained utility line that transverses both parcels. Does this utility servitude allow legal... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Sep 18, 2017

I would not assume that a utility servitude should equate to access and the servitude is likely only in favor or the utility company. Pull the land record granting the servitude to confirm its extent and also attempt to contact the owner of parcel B to see what, if anything, you can work out for... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Estate Planning and Probate for Louisiana on
Q: My dad died in 2011. I'm the only child. A company bought the property in a tax auction before he died.

After his death we bought back the property but never had the chance to file the quick claim deed because it took a while to get the death certificate. Now we are served papers to vacate property that we have lived in for 15 years. What are my rights as the only heir ?

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Sep 18, 2017

I recommend you get someone involved well versed in tax sales. First, to the extent that the company purchased the property prior to your father's death, there could be issue as to whether the property was part of his estate. I would argue that he still had a right, a redemption right, to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Estate Planning, Real Estate Law and Family Law for Louisiana on
Q: My grandmother died and left her house to her kids,My mom passed away. How much of the house do I inherit??

Do me and my siblings get the same portion as my grandma kids?? The house was sold and on papers from a lawyer it states that me and my siblings inherited 1/35 and my grandma kids inherit 1/7

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Sep 14, 2017

If your mom survived your grandmother, the transfer of her estate is dictated either by a will or state law. Because she likely inherited a portion of your grandmother's home, that portion would be considered her separate property and that interest would pass to her children absent a will... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Contracts, Landlord - Tenant and Real Estate Law for Louisiana on
Q: Our landlord forgot to get us to sign the lease, can I leave ? & would I get my deposit back?

We've been living in this apartment for 2 months now, paid a $800 deposit & $800 rent. Since we've been here.. the oven wasn't working, they had to replace that. & roach problem began starting from our dirty neighbors next door. & now they are maggots coming out of the... View More

Christie Tournet
Christie Tournet
answered on Sep 12, 2017

A lease agreement need not be in writing to be binding. An oral lease is valid under Louisiana law. And, the payment of an set monthly price tends to support that an agreement as to the thing, price, and term was reached. Still, the fact that the lease was not reduced to writing may help... View More

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