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Florida Child Support Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Child Support and Family Law for Florida on
Q: I am in Hillsborough county and I am currently separated from my legal husband and I have a child with someone else.

I need to establish paternity with the other man and seek child support because my husband was automatically put on her birth certificate

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Aug 14, 2023

Your husband is the "legal" father and is responsible for child support unless the other father comes forward voluntarily. At that point you cold file a petition to disestablish paternity and switch the responsibility from your husband, the "legal" father, to the biological... View More

3 Answers | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce and Family Law for Florida on
Q: How do I modify a Marriage Settlement Agreement when the Divorce is not finalized.

My wife and I agreed to a "short version" marriage settlement agreement back in Dec. 2022. I get 5 days/week timesharing with our son, she gets 2. The child support was based on this timesharing plan.

Since Dec. 2022, she has not seen our son once and the divorce is not final.... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Aug 8, 2023

Child support and timesharing are always modifiable until the children emancipate. You should keep a calendar and record every overnight that mom misses. You can use that as evidence when you seek to modify. You could also file the modification now. Your case is open, the agreement is binding, and... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce and Family Law for Florida on
Q: How do I modify a Marriage Settlement Agreement when the Divorce is not finalized.

My wife and I agreed to a "short version" marriage settlement agreement back in Dec. 2022. I get 5 days/week timesharing with our son, she gets 2. The child support was based on this timesharing plan.

Since Dec. 2022, she has not seen our son once and the divorce is not final.... View More

Destardes Moore
Destardes Moore
answered on Aug 12, 2023

Additional facts are necessary to determine the feasibility of proceeding with the entry of the final judgment. Factors to consider include the new law, distance between the parties' residences, income of the parties, and whether there are facts indicating that even two overnights per week... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Child Support, Divorce, Family Law and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: Can my ex wife get any kind of alimony even though it was waived when our divorce was final?

We have 50/50 custody of 3 kids and child support was not granted for either party. My career changed and I now make a substantial amount more than what I was making at the time of divorce, which has been final for over 2 years. She’s unable to obtain employment and was a stay at home mom when we... View More

Pamela J. Fero
Pamela J. Fero
answered on Aug 3, 2023

She can go back to court and file a request for alimony and child support. She'll have the burden to prove that there is a need for those kinds of support and that you are capable of providing it. Talk to a lawyer to know how you can be prepared if this happens.

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2 Answers | Asked in Child Support, Divorce, Family Law and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: Can my ex wife get any kind of alimony even though it was waived when our divorce was final?

We have 50/50 custody of 3 kids and child support was not granted for either party. My career changed and I now make a substantial amount more than what I was making at the time of divorce, which has been final for over 2 years. She’s unable to obtain employment and was a stay at home mom when we... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Aug 7, 2023

If your final judgment says that alimony was waived then that cannot be undone. Child support, on the other hand, is modifiable until the children emancipate. She could return to court to recalculate child support based on your new income. Speak with a local family lawyer for more specific advice.

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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce and Family Law for Florida on
Q: Will I have to pay child support if I agreed 50/50 joint custody with other parent on martial settlement?

I’m in the process of getting divorce and we have come to agreement to split child’s expense. He insisted on 50/50 physical and legal custody. I’m currently working and he hasn’t employed for over a year. If I agreed with 50/50 custody and put into parenting plan, would judge honor it or... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jul 17, 2023

Child support is calculated pursuant to the formula in the statute (law). The judge can only waive the exchange of child support if the amount is de minimus (very low). It may be possible (outside of court) for you and the other parent to agree to something different but that can create other... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody, Child Support and Civil Litigation for Florida on
Q: What form do I file after receiving and wanting to contest an "urgent motion for temporary parenting plan"

I am the petitioner and I have petitioned the court to establish paternity and other related relief, however, the father has hired an attorney (I am pro se) and the father wants time-sharing and has declared to be the Father but I want a paternity first. I don't know what form to file to... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jul 15, 2023

If it was not in your initial pleading, file a motion for DNA testing. If you filed saying that he is the father and his answer admits that he is the father then paternity is established. You can ask the court for a partial final judgment of paternity. Speak with a local family attorney for more... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support and Family Law for Florida on
Q: Does florida have reciprocity with Haiti, when it comes to child support orders?

Childs father may have been deported back to Haiti from florida

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jul 14, 2023

A Florida child support order is enforceable on the father wherever he is. However, you would need to engage a lawyer in Haiti to pursue the father and answer the legal issue of whether it can be legally enforced in Haiti. In Florida, the child support owed would accrue like any other debt. The... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support and Family Law for Florida on
Q: What is the legally enforceable amount of child support for this case in FL?

Marital Settlement Agreement and Petition for Dissolution both listed $750/month child support per child (2 children), $1500 total/mo. This was agreed upon by both parties, and was greater than the amount calculated in the state monthly payment guidelines calculator (approx $900/mo).

The... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jul 10, 2023

The marital settlement agreement, once signed, is a binding contract between the parties. It remains in force until a party moves to modify it. Statements in the final judgment do not generally change the marital settlement agreement. You need to show your documents to a local family lawyer for a... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: Have a current court agreement of 60/40. Father told me out of no where that he moved 2 hours out of the city & changed

Schedule. I don’t mind that he moved but there was no communication about this and now he requested less days with her. And I am still receiving the same amount of money from him.

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jul 10, 2023

Child support is modifiable until the child emancipates. If you agree to the new schedule then you should get it in writing. You can either agree on a new child support number or return to court for a modification based on the new schedule and your current incomes. Speak with a local family lawyer... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support and Family Law for Florida on
Q: If a person (father) is homeless, does he still have to pay child support in Florida?

Father is completely homeless, sleeping in the street and does not even have a car. He is paying child support plus arrears. He would have to move out of state with family in order to secure housing, at least temporarily. If he moves, or takes time off from his job to establish living arrangements,... View More

T. Augustus Claus
T. Augustus Claus pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jul 3, 2023

Child support obligations are typically based on the non-custodial parent's income and ability to pay, rather than their housing situation. However, if the father's homelessness or lack of income significantly affects his ability to meet his child support obligations, he may be able to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Florida on
Q: If I became sick two years ago and need a revision to my child support in Puerto Rico, what can I do?

I also do not if my child is going to college. He is 21 years old, plus he no longer lives with his parent. Do I still have obligation to pay monthly child support?

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jun 4, 2023

The first thing that you need to do is look at your current child support order. Any modifications will need to be in the court that issued the order. If the order is from PR then you need to contact an attorney there. In Florida, child support ends at 18. For a modification in Florida (reduction)... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Divorce, Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: Can my 18-year-old daughter move to Puerto Rico with her father and then ask me for child support?

My daughter had the choice live here for free and go to school or get a job and pay rent. She decided to be on her own and lived with a family member for almost a year and worked a job. Recently moved to P.R. and is living with her father. Now, she is asking for the child support card and money,... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jun 2, 2023

Question 1: Is there a current child support order in place? If no, then you have no financial obligation at all. Legally child support can only be pursued by the parents so your child has no legal standing to request child support from you. Finally, if your child is 18 then she is emancipated and... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Florida on
Q: I started a child support case in Dec. They have been trying for 3 months and unsuccessful at serving other parent

Fl he owns multiple businesses. What steps can I take to get him served

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on May 31, 2023

You can provide any and all information that you know about where he can be located. If you can afford it, hire a private investigator. Speak with a local family lawyer for more specific advice.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Support and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: My 13 year old daughter says she wants to go live with her dad.

We were never married and never went to court. She’s always lived with me, I’ve never collected child support. Have not gotten any financial help in over 4 years and before that it was always minimal. Can he put me on child support if she goes to live with him? How can I prevent this?

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on May 22, 2023

If you have never been to court then you have full control of timesharing (custody). The only way child support would be triggered is if one of you (parents) goes to court on a paternity action. You could pursue child support going back in time up to two years. He could pursue child support moving... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Florida on
Q: I have 4 children the father was only required to pay $55 a week. Why is that.

The court also ordered that the support be directly taken from his pay at least 8yrs ago but he still pay what he wants to pay. U really need help. With the price of living has a increasing raise.

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on May 19, 2023

In Florida child support is calculated pursuant to a mathematical formula in the law. It is based on the net incomes of each parent and the number of overnights with each parent. Child support is always modifiable until the children turn eighteen. Perhaps you can return to court for a modification?... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: If I let my children visit their mother out of state for a month, is she untitled to give them back?

My 3 children & I live in Florida for last 9 years while their mother has lived in Michigan. We have never been though court system. If I let the kids visit for a month this summer does she have to give them back ? Would a notary or a note for the mother be evidence of her promising to bring... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on May 15, 2023

If you let them leave without a written agreement or something filed with the court you are stuck with the "honor system." If, in fact, she refuses to return the children, you would be forced to go to court here in Florida and fight for their return. You would have a strong case based on... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Florida on
Q: What will happen with FL child support after leaving job to open my own business? Filed for modification so far

Child support was establish while still working a traditional job. I’ve saved up over time to open my own business to be able to spend time with my family, rather than 12-13 hour workdays 6-7 days a week. I requested a modification but am worried how the DOR will look at going from a high income... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on May 14, 2023

When a payor's income fluctuates then the court will look at an average over time. You are allowed to change jobs/ start your own business, but you will be expected to continue to earn at the same level moving forward. There may be a temporary decrease in your income which the court will... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Florida on
Q: My ex wife want to hire a Nanny because she want to work only on weekends,while my daughter goes to day care on weekdays

I refused to pay the Nanny with my ex wife because she just home Monday to Friday while my daughter she's at day care 7 AM to 6Pm and she just want to work weekends , i find that's not faire , what does the law say about that ? Can I take her to court for this ?

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on May 11, 2023

You need to review the parenting plan that was entered in your divorce. You do not mention how old the child is or what your timesharing arrangement is. For younger children daycare costs are normally a part of the child support calculation. If you do not currently have a daycare obligation then... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce and Family Law for Florida on
Q: Child offered seat at STEM magnet program, ex-wife refuses to allow child opportunity. What can father do to get custody

STEM program is only 1 hour away from the mothers house. Fathers house is 36 mintues away and is able to take and pick up child from school if he had majority custody. The mother has no job, and is fully capable of taking and pikcing up child from the STEM program, but refuses to for unknown... View More

V Julia Luyster
V Julia Luyster
answered on May 7, 2023

You would not need to have majority custody. You would only need to have final decision-making over educational decisions. You could file a motion in the same court where the initial parenting plan or schedule was entered and ask to have it modified or ask to have the court determine if the STEM... View More

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