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New Jersey Child Custody Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for New Jersey on
Q: I have joint custody. When i have visitation with my child do i have to pick him up and drop him off every time?
William N. Sosis
William N. Sosis
answered on Jan 6, 2018

If you have joint custody in the form of a court order there should already be a parenting agreement in place. Pick-ups and drop-off schedules are typically included in these agreements. If your agreement doesn't define the pick-up and drop-off schedule you should file a motion with the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: Do I have to let my kids have contact with an out of state parent?

I have and have had residential custody in N.J. of my to girls for scene 2010. They are allowed to go to see their mother in GA. For the summer. This last summer their mother tried to have my oldest daughter committed to a mental health hospital claiming she was suicidal in an attempt to keep them... View More

William N. Sosis
William N. Sosis
answered on Jan 6, 2018

You would have to adduce facts that would convince the court that your current parenting arrangement is not in the best interest of your daughter. Doing so will likely be difficult since the court will need to evaluate your case based on several factors. For example, the age of your daughter, the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: Can i file a "Motion to Enforce Litigants Rights" as a response to a "Motion to Modify a Court Order" (parenting plan)?

My ex has failed to comply with our Parenting Plan that was worked out, through the courts, with a mediator. Yet SHE filed a "Motion to Modify" the plan, claiming "the mediator isnt working", even though SHE is the only one not following any of the plan. Can I file a... View More

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jan 5, 2018

No, you need to file responsive pleadings and then a cross-motion. Trying to represent yourself in Court is a bad idea. Not only are you emotionally involved, but you are not a trained attorney. You do not know the Court Rules, Rules of Evidence, case law, nor are you trained how to handle a legal... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: My son's mother might send him out of the country to live with family without my permission. What are my rights?

Son is 16. I found out he existed when he was 14. We established paternity in court but she has physical and im assuming full custody of him. I live 3 hrs away from him and see him only on holidays and a few weekends when im able to go get him otherwise i wont see him. (she wont ever bring him to... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Jan 3, 2018

Thank you for your question and I would be happy to assist. I understand your concern especially in light of the fact that your child may be leaving the country. Generally, both parents need to consent to any moves or travel outside the State of New Jersey. If you believe that this is going to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: Can i give custody of my children to a relative if the father is still active in the child’s life. ?

I plan on enlisting in the military. Was told since I’m a single parent i have to give up custody. If i was to want to give custody to a relative can i do so or would the child have to go directly to the other parent ?

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 28, 2017

The other parent would have the primary right to custody. Only a Court Order can change that. Trying to represent yourself in any legal proceeding, especially a family matter is unwise, to put it charitably. You need an in person consultation with an experienced matrimonial attorney, who can review... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Domestic Violence for New Jersey on
Q: Is someone’s mental health or lack there of reason to get a restraining order against them? There’s a child involved

The mother of my son recently attempted suicide... I don’t think she’s taking her mental health treatment seriously, and she allows her mother to drink and watch our son while she drinks

James A. Abate
James A. Abate
answered on Dec 21, 2017

Unless something has been done to you, a TRO is not appropriate. Involving Child Prevention and Permanency should be called if you suspect neglect or danger to a child.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Divorce for New Jersey on
Q: My husband filed for divorce yesterday, can I take my daughter out of state for the holidays?

My husband filed for divorce yesterday so I have not been served. He TOLD me I could not leave the state to visit family for the holidays in PA. Can he do that?

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 20, 2017

You will need to retain an experienced matrimonial attorney to obtain a Court Order allowing you to do so, just to be on the safe side. You also need to retain the attorney to represent your interests in the divorce case. Do not let geographic restrictions get in the way of retaining the best... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for New Jersey on
Q: Can I get custody of my kids if the mother works, but I currently do not, even though I was the primary caregiver?

We were all supposed to move but She moved with them without me,the breakup was a result of this and left me behind,I took care of my kids 90% of the time since birth(6 and 4) while she pursued her career,I've sacrificed jobs and my own income by her request in order for our kids to be taken... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Dec 18, 2017

Thank you for your question. I am sorry you are going through such a worrying and difficult time. The short answer is ‘yes,' you can see your children and you could get custody or parenting time. There are many different custody options -- including joint legal custody, sole legal and... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: My ex asked me to take our children 2 days prior to the start of my week. Can he demand them back?

This is all due to an argument and is trying to threaten myself and my wife. Also, can he force his own personal phone to be required in my house?

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 16, 2017

You really need to have an in person consultation with an experienced matrimonial attorney to straighten out this degenerating situation. To properly answer your questions and address your concerns, the best way to handle this is by retaining an experienced matrimonial attorney. You need the best... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for New Jersey on
Q: I have Custody of my twin boys, and still pay child support,

I will be going to DYFS court, can they take me off of child support and give me the money being held by the courts since their mother isn't getting the money

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 10, 2017

That is not how things work, there is no DYFS and no DYFS Court. There is family Court and with an experienced matrimonial attorney this matter can be rectified.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for New Jersey on
Q: Hello, I live in NJ and my ex lives in NJ, if the kids don't want to see me, and I'm paying child s., what can I do?
Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 10, 2017

Child support and visitation have nothing to do with each other. You can ask for supervised visitation, and seek the advice of a child psychologist to work on rebuilding your relationship with the children. I have walked in your shoes and it is not a good feeling. My children are all in their 30s... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: If I have a restraining order and have emergency custody for 6 months, do I need to follow a holiday parenting time sch?

I have emergency custody of my son and have had for 6 months. I also have a restraining order against the ex. She is allowed to have parenting time but has no parental rights. We do Sunday.. one week on and one week off. She wants to change this for Christmas and I do not. Am I obligated to do so?... View More

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 6, 2017

Without knowing more information, I cannot provide meaningful answers.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: My friend filing for custody of his daughter, with the mother now, if he files 1st does he keep her until the date?

My friend is filing for custody of his daughter who is 2 months old and currently resides with her mother. Since he's filing first does that mean he's able to keep the baby with him until the court date?

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Dec 4, 2017

Hello and thank you for your question. I will hopefully be able to answer you as completely as possible but I do recommend that your friend do meet with a family law attorney in order to receive the best advice possible for his situation.

As far as the law goes in New Jersey, there is no...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support and Family Law for New Jersey on
Q: Do the parents of a child have to go to court if they are not together or have different addresses in New Jersey?

Never married, just dating and chose to break up. Don’t live together and would like to not deal with court if possible.

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Nov 30, 2017

Hi and thanks for asking your question. I will do my best to answer you here, but I'm a little unclear as to what you are asking. Hopefully, I'll be able to offer a little bit of assistance. You ask if you and your child's other parent have to go to court if you are not together.... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Juvenile Law for New Jersey on
Q: What are custody rights of a child's family when mother dies has no will. Divorced father wants to move kids out usa?

Mother committed suicide, parents divorced but father has supported kids $$, family wants to take custody of 11 & 15 (grandparents or aunt) Father wants to move kids out of country but kids want to stay in NJ.

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 21, 2017

You really need to retain an experienced matrimonial attorney to handle this matter. Your situation cannot be given a meaningful answer without an in person consultation. Do not let geographic restrictions get in the way of retaining the best attorney. Pick the best attorney you can find and... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for New Jersey on
Q: I married 9/15 separated within months.I want child support. why the court wants my last yr income when i make less now
Kristofher Beralo
Kristofher Beralo
answered on Nov 20, 2017

The court just want to see what you made last year and would weigh that with what you are making this year. The court wants see your potential earning and see why you are making less now (if it is by choice).

In most cases however, the court will use your current income when they calculate...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: Can a father that has shared legal custody and visitation move to Texas for 3yrs and not tell family court?

He has visitation every other weekend and every Monday and Wednesday 6-830 which he hasn’t been around for his child he then has his mother do it for him. He took a 3yrs tour with the military and told me in 10/31/17 which me being a military brat myself he has had he orders for a while now is... View More

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 19, 2017

As long as he did not take the child with him, he certainly can. What he should do from a non-legal standpoint is completely different.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for New Jersey on
Q: any pro bono or CHEAP custody lawyers in Camden County???

I would like to get custody of my daughter. The reason I got secondary custody 2 years ago was because I left my daughter’s father because he abused me physically and emotionally. I was told by police when I was leaving that I couldn’t take my child with me because I had no home of my own and... View More

Leonard R. Boyer
Leonard R. Boyer pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 18, 2017

Even if you found an attorney, willing to work for free, you won't be able to get the expert medical testimony for free.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support and Family Law for New Jersey on
Q: Can I file for emergency custody in New Jersey if my child is a resident of Missouri?

My childs mother lives in Missouri and I live in New Jersey. We both have joint legal and joint physical custody but her address is for education purposes. She gave me temporary custody due to the fact that she is on drugs and is living in a bad place and can not take care of him. when i picked him... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Nov 16, 2017

Hello and thanks for your question. I'm sorry you and your child are going through this very difficult situation. I strongly suggest you go and talk with a family law attorney because more details about your family and your existing court orders is necessary in order to give you specific... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Appeals / Appellate Law for New Jersey on
Q: How can i get return custody of my kids from dcpp if there not adopted yet, even though my right were taken ayear ago ??

I was addicted to percocets during my pregnancy so my kids were taken after my baby was born 5 yrs ago, as of last year my right were taken. Ive been clean now over 2 years and im still n out patient rehab, i attend NA/AA meetings 3 times aweek for 3 yrs now, i received one on one counseling for 3... View More

Bari Weinberger
Bari Weinberger
answered on Nov 15, 2017

Hello, and so very sorry to hear about all that you have gone through. Having your parental rights terminated is devastating to parents without question. You can challenge the decision to terminate your parental rights in court. It's technically called a 4:50 motion and in your court papers... View More

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