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Questions Answered by Alake Colwell Furlow
1 Answer | Asked in Child Support and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: A friend of mine was recently arrested for failure to pay child support. My friend always paid his child support when he

Was employed. He is in a homeless situation, has no job, no income, his license is suspended for lack of payment and he has no transportation. He us in a tough situation. He has not been able to gain anytime of employment. How long can they hold him in jail? He has no money. Georgia

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 22, 2023

When he lost his job he could have modified his child support using a legal aid service or representing himself. Now that he's been incarcerated, there is no timeframe for which they are legally bound to let him go. So he may sit in jail for awhile if he cannot satisfy the purge amount. They... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Georgia on
Q: How long does the process of terminating the temporary guardianship of two minors usually take in?

I no longer am in need of assistance from the person who I gave temporary guardianship of my my toddler & infant. to. I have been providing for myself & financially supporting my children, since i came back to work. I have stable housing. I have stable income. I have clean drug screens.... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 22, 2023

You've asked several questions here so I'll address the first question of how long does it take for termination. That depends on several factors, whether this is voluntary or not. If the guardian is willing to voluntarily terminate the guardianship they can simply give you the children... View More

3 Answers | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: How do I proceed?

I recently had a judge grant me a paternity test (at my expense) for my ex’s legitimatization case. I wasn’t given any paperwork when I was at court, and am not sure my next steps. The testing site must be one that can be used in a court. Do I need to just find a testing site, get us (my son... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 20, 2023

The best advice I can give you is to hire an attorney. We can't see the order the court signed for testing. Therefore, we can't give you instructions on how to proceed regarding having the test completed. The father has an attorney, which means you need an attorney. Because I'm... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: What are my rights as far as what say I have in my child’s care after DCFS has removed her from failing a drug test ?
Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 20, 2023

Reunification (getting your child back) is going to be a process. Most parents find this process a lot less frustrating when they have an attorney representing them. Without an attorney you may find social workers and attorneys for the state who do not want to communicate with you, judges who you... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Divorce and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: My husband and I are separated does he have to help me financially
Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 22, 2023

If you need any support from your spouse you have to file for divorce. Only then can you get a court order for him to pay spousal support, child support, utilities, or any expenses he was paying on a temporary basis, until such time as the court can make a final determination on those matters.... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: How do I go about withdrawing from a temporary child custody order?


Does it have to go in front of the judge? Do I file a motion for this? If so, how?

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 6, 2023

You can't withdraw from a temporary order. A temporary order is temporary. It is in place until the court can enter a final order. If there is something you want to amend on a final basis, you will need to convey that to the court at your trial or if you and the other party come to an... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Child Support, Family Law and Workers' Compensation for Georgia on
Q: Can child support take some or all of my workers comp lawsuit settlement

My current child support says to stop lottery winnings, federal taxes and no passport

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 5, 2023

You should consider hiring an attorney to assist you in settling your child support case. An attorney can help you come to an agreement on how much you would pay per month. And as long as your payments are being made, the state shouldn't be trying to garnish other monies . But since you... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Child Support and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: My ex and I have been divorced since 2012, he literally only paid one child support payment, can I get reimbursed?

We separated in 2010 and he owed back support from that time. My ex moved to Oregon after the divorce (from South Carolina) he worked under the table for a friend and lived with this friend until both kids were 18 (~5 years). South Carolina wouldn't do anything about collecting the money. I... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Jun 5, 2023

You can always attempt to collect child support arrears, provided the state that governs those arrears does not have a statute of limitations that has run. However, it sounds like you have not had much looking using the Division of Child Support Services in various states to collect. Thus, you... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Georgia on
Q: a child's custodial mother dies and the father of the child hasn't legitimized the child does he have custodial rights?

The mother was murdered leaving behind a 4 year old daughter. The child was born out of wedlock but the father has always supported the child. He did not take the extra step to legitimize the child and is now in a dispute with the grandmother that never participated in the health and wellbeing of... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 24, 2023

The father should hire an attorney and file an action to legitimize. In that action he should seek sole legal and physical custody of the child. Since he has been paying support and can show he’s been an active participant in the child’s life, it should not be an issue for the court to... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody, Domestic Violence and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: Should I keep let my child’s father see him although we have pending custody case?

He’s father lied in the case and had me served for joint custody but he drinks heavy and talks to us both aggressively. Is their information you can give me to help me fight for protection for me and my son . For full custody of my preemie baby

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 22, 2023

The first thing you should do is hire an attorney. And I'm not sure what you mean by fight for protection. If there is domestic violence and an ongoing threat, you should seek a protective order, which is a separate case altogether. If you were served with paperwork for a pending case, and... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Georgia on
Q: How do I try to find a lawyer who might take my case pro bono? Should I just call Family law attorneys and ask?

I really need a lawyer for this legitimization case. We went to court a couple of days ago for the first time and I felt so lost and stupid in there alone. The judge wouldn't even let me speak and basically was on their side...that's how it came across to me. I wanted to run out that... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 18, 2023

There are income guidelines for legal aide services and sometimes a waiting list to accept cases. If you can't get a legal aide service to take your case you should contact some domestic attorneys and see if they will work with you and accept payments. Sometimes if you can get a lump sum... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Divorce and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: About divorce

Ok, so here is the story:

My wife is a Canadian and a U.S. green card holder at the same time.

My wife lied to me by saying she was going to see her dad in Canada, and when she went over there with my two kids, she said she was never coming back to the U.S. and she was about to file... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 17, 2023

In a contested divorce it is unfortunately irrelevant whether the Defendant wants to get divorced. If the other spouse filed for divorce and had you served, you should file an Answer, preferably with an attorney. Now that the children are in Canada, it is going to be difficult to get an order for... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Family Law for Georgia on
Q: Can i get file restraining order for my child father if he is emotional abuse and does things like being disrespectful?

he had me served trying to get joint custody of our son but hes emotional abuse to us both ( baby & me ) and i just want to protect us both i only allow him to see me at my home when my family is around because i dont feel safe with just him , baby and i .

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 17, 2023

If you were served with what sounds like an action to legitimize, you should hire an attorney to represent you. If there is a family violence issue, your attorney can make the court aware of that in your Answer. That may also come into play with the visitation the father is requesting from the... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Child Support and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: What is the deference between the "DOMESTIC RELATIONS FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT" vs "Child Support Worksheet"?

I am in the process of filing a CS modification and wanted to know which will be used to calculate the child support amount.

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 17, 2023

First, I would urge you to hire an attorney and not represent yourself in this case, unless you are going through the Division of Child Support Services for this modification. A Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit is a document that outlines a parents income, expenses, assets and debts. You... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Georgia on
Q: How do I enforce unpaid medical/extracurricular from the noncustodial parent?

I've already filed late CS w DCSS and they told me I could not add these expenses--only the late child support. The noncustodial parent owes over 2k in medical/extracurricular and I cover the insurance for both children and have them 100% of the time. She also owes over 7800 in CS arrears.... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 16, 2023

Per your statements if there are arrears of $7,800 and over $2,000 in expenses owed, that is worth you hiring an attorney to file for contempt. An attorney can obtain a judgment for the funds owed, and they can also assist you with post-judgment collections. Because it's not just about... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Divorce and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: What are the stipulations for alimony if I get a divorce (but with only an income of $50,000.00 a year) He doesn't work!

I have been married for 6 years; I want divorce. He doesn't work he's been found fully disabled but doesn't receive benefits due to my income ($50,000.00 yr.) he has threaten that he will file for alimony if we divorce. What are the chances that will be awarded alimony? We don't... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 16, 2023

The court is going to look at his need, your ability to pay, and determine if they're going to award him any spousal supports, if he requests it. There is no statute or guideline as to exactly when spousal support is awarded. If you file for divorce, and he files an Answer asking for... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Georgia on
Q: Can you file to stop a order signing over full permanent custody in Georgia?

My daughter had a controlling boyfriend and he made her give her baby to the fathers aunt whom isn’t even blood related. The lady tricked my daughter by telling her it would only be for like 3 to 6 weeks. The boyfriend was in on this also. My daughter has a learning disability and doesn’t think... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 15, 2023

My best advice to you is to speak directly with an attorney for a consultation and provide the paperwork you are referencing for the attorney to review. They can then see if there has been a legal guardianship filed, adoption or just exactly what type of rights were given and/or relinquished.... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody, Domestic Violence, Family Law and Child Support for Georgia on
Q: Can I have a petition for legitimation, custody and child support dismissed ...

On the grounds of a family violence protective order is in place for 1 year for not only myself but both minor children ages 10 &12??

I know i have to respond to this petition and im trying to do so correctly as i dont have legal counsel, cant afford counsel... however he does! If thats... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 15, 2023

A judge is unlikely to dismiss a legitimation action by ruling on a motion to dismiss. Although you say you can't afford counsel, if the father has hired counsel, I would suggest you use credit, or anything you can to get the funds together to hire an attorney. If you do not consent to the... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law for Georgia on
Q: how does THE MOTHER get her baby back from THE GRANDMOTHER who refuses to give it back in Georgia?

my friend allowed her mother to watch her baby while she moved and straightened out her life. After reaching her goals about a month or more later the child's grandmother suddenly refuses to give child back to mom.There are no court orders giving granny any rights to the child.NOTE... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 10, 2023

If there is no court order granting guardianship or custody of any kind to the person who currently has the child, it is kidnapping if the child isn't returned. The mother should call the police if the grandmother refuses to return the child. And it doesn't matter who knows someone in... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law for Georgia on
Q: What is the process for Legitimization in Georgia? Can someone legitimize a child if they are not biological father?

I have been served with a petition for legitimization for my daughter? What do i need to do? He hired an attorney but I cannot afford one. Can I request a DNA test? Can he legitimize her if the DNA test proves he is not her father? Do you know any pro bono family court attorneys who might help me?

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on May 10, 2023

If the opposing party has an attorney I would suggest you get your finances in order and hire one as well. To clarify, there are no pro bono attorneys. Some attorneys do pro bono work. Feel free to see if you can find an attorney to handle the case without any payment. But I would start looking... View More

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