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Pennsylvania Child Custody Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Domestic Violence for Pennsylvania on
Q: Can the filer of a pfa get into trouble if she agrees to be around the defendant?

They do also have a child together whom they share 50/50 custody of.

Kathryn Hilbush
Kathryn Hilbush
answered on Feb 13, 2023

Unlikely because the order is not against the filer. However, why would the filer want to place the defendant in jeopardy of going to jail by encouraging the defendant to violate the PFA order? If the filer wants to spend time with the defendant, then the filer reevaluate the nature of the abuse... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Divorce, Family Law and Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: What steps should I take to file for divorce and custody in Ford City Pennsylvania.

I've been the only income for pretty much the whole 6 yr relationship. We have a 4yr old daughter. He's stayed home with her. And still refuses to get a job now that she's in headstart. And it's been nothing but emotional abuse and gaslighting. I have 3 son's from a... View More

Kathryn Hilbush
Kathryn Hilbush
answered on Feb 4, 2023

I suggest that your first action should be to schedule a private consultation with a local attorney experienced in family to learn about your options and the divorce and custody processes. Even if you then decide to try to go it in your own without an attorney, which is generally not recommended,... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Divorce, Family Law and Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: What steps should I take to file for divorce and custody in Ford City Pennsylvania.

I've been the only income for pretty much the whole 6 yr relationship. We have a 4yr old daughter. He's stayed home with her. And still refuses to get a job now that she's in headstart. And it's been nothing but emotional abuse and gaslighting. I have 3 son's from a... View More

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Feb 10, 2023

This by no means is a "better" answer than that of my colleague. This merely supplements to a small extent an already effective response.

The asker must retain counsel. One cannot possibly rely on the integrity, impartiality and independence of the Pennsylvania judiciary....
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2 Answers | Asked in Contracts, Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Pennsylvania on
Q: Child support PA: 3 kids with different women and I was ordered to pay 1k for my youngest. Do my other kids count?

I have a multi family child support case. I was ordered to pay 20% of my income for my youngest child. I asked for consideration of my other kids hearing master said I had to show proof of child support payments. How am I supposed to show proof if they are in my custody? I asked to show me proof... View More

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 15, 2022

In this question, the asker is arguing with himself, and as such cannot get a cogent response from us.

In general terms, multiple orders of child support are not enough to offset one another. Typically, an order of support must be actually paid to count as a deduction against another order...
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1 Answer | Asked in Adoption, Child Custody and Family Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: I was seeking custody of granddaughter, paternal grandparents adopted her and my lawyer was not informed of this. In PA

Shouldn't my lawyer have been told about the adoption process and adoption?

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 28, 2022

This is one of those questions that require too much decoding to properly answer. We do not know any of the procedural history of either the paternal grandparents or the maternal grandparents to opine on what one's lawyer should have known or not.

Ideally, the lawyer should have...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: Scorned Mother lingers around making kid cry at custody pickup, what to do?

Every time I pick up my child, my son is crying and is reluctant to get in my vehicle. He loves being with me but mother is a “scorned woman” always trying to interfere and my son has already told me how “once he gets older he can choose who to be with” which is an idea implanted by mother.... View More

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Feb 7, 2024

It is not clear as to whether this is a New York parent's question or a Pennsylvania parent's question. The laws of the two adjoining states is vastly different, and therefore outcomes are vastly different. Some elements are identical though.

In both states, as can be expected, no...
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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Civil Litigation for Pennsylvania on
Q: custody, bucks co. PA what pleading should i file after custody hearing officer's recommendation before it becomes order

we had signed agreement in Aug, 2021 for shared custody in bucks co, pa. My ex filed emergency petition to modify based on false allegations ( i have a proof). We had custody officer hearing , did not agree and i asked to see the judge. we saw the judge , it was also called conference. I did not... View More

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jan 30, 2024

Pennsylvania family law cloaks the process to make it appear fair, equitable and just. Nothing is farther from the truth.

Family law structures custody proceedings to occur before an under-judge called a "conciliator." This is mediation ordered to have the parents reach a...
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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: Can I record my virtual visitation in PA without the other parents consent?

The mother is telling me I don't have her consent and won't let me talk to them if I am recording. This is because she has been warned to not interrupt in the order. But now is trying to hide behind the wire tap law in PA. She is still interrupting but doesn't want me to have evidence of it.

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jan 28, 2024

The general philosophy in any Pennsylvania legislation is that people are always treated like cattle being led off to slaughter.

As to the central issue in this question, Pennsylvania recording law provides that it is a two-party consent state. In Pennsylvania, it is a criminal offense to...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support and Family Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: can you offer to drop a child support case if the other party agrees to sign away his rights?

I have full legal and full physical custody of my 3-year-old daughter. I have a teleconference call with my daughter's father and a child support conciliator. can I offer to drop the case if he signs his rights away. he didn't meet her till she was 7-month-old. old filed for custody... View More

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jan 14, 2024

We here are strictly prohibited from assuming the position of a lawyer representing a client and rendering legal advice. We cannot say what legal steps an asker must take to arrive at her legal conclusion. We can educate, and that is how best to approach this asker's question.

In a...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: What can I do to expedite a child custody modification for Christmas school break?

I will file a petition to modify child custody and for a contempt hearing but the process takes time and the pressing issue is that the parents do not agree on the custody for the child's school Christmas break. What can I do to expedite a child custody modification hearing to at least address... View More

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 31, 2023

This is a very noteworthy question which reveals a major flaw in Pennsylvania custody justice. Apparently, this asker endured a previous custody court proceeding that ended in an order that fixed child access at that point in time when the child was an infant: possibly day visits or infrequent... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Divorce and Family Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: "Redlining" and Child Relocation

Is anyone out there aware of "redlining" and how it can affect a child relocation decision, or appeal? Explanation: Parent was allowed to relocate child to the Upper East Side of Manhattan (2 hrs away). Non Relocating parent can not afford to move closer to NYC. Essentially... View More

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Dec 29, 2023

This asker confuses issues to the extent that he can never understand what happened and how it happened. We will disassemble the best we can how a §5337 relocation went south for the asker.

Synopsizing the facts, we see there was a modification of an order of custody that granted the...
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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: My ex is telling me she is going to have her therapist fill out document for court stating I cannot have 50/50 custody.

Her therapist is stating that our 4 yr old needs stability and our 1.5 year old needs to bond with her mama. Currently I see my children 4 days a month. We do not have any formal custody agreement, this is all verbal between us. I want to take her to court for custody so I can get 50/50 and se my... View More

Kathryn Hilbush
Kathryn Hilbush
answered on Jun 24, 2023

It's difficult to know what impact the letter from your wife's therapist might have. Ordinarily, if someone wants to present someone's opinion, they need to bring that person into court to do present in via testimony. What you really need to do is to consult with a local attorney... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Pennsylvania on
Q: I'm trying to figure out who has legal rights to my son?

Long story short, I seperated from my husband and had a child with another man before the divorce finalized. The man has made zero contribution to my child but did sign an acknowledgement of paternity at the hospital at the time my child was born. I filed for child support today and domestic... View More

Kathryn Hilbush
Kathryn Hilbush
answered on May 24, 2023

Consult with a local attorney experienced in family law. Domestic Relations should not be handing out legal advice. If your family was not intact when the child was born then it's not likely that your former husband has any support obligation for this child. Retain an attorney to guide you... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Criminal Law, Domestic Violence and Family Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: Can Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychologists with Phd work in forensic evaluation in dependency court in Pennsylvania?
Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Mar 31, 2023

This is a vague question about forensic expert witness output.

Just as in the 1992 motion picture "My Cousin Vinny" starring Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei, expertise knows no geographical boundaries and is admissible as long as to is helpful.

In the motion picture, a...
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1 Answer | Asked in Adoption, Child Custody, Criminal Law and Family Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: Can Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychologists Phd work in forensic evaluation in dependency court in Pennsylvania?
Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Mar 31, 2023

This is a vague question about forensic expert witness output.

Just as in the 1992 motion picture "My Cousin Vinny" starring Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei, expertise knows no geographical boundaries and is admissible as long as to is helpful.

In the motion picture, a...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: Does the custodial parent half to get approval from the non custodial parent to sign custody over to someone other than

Does the parent that has sole legal and physical custody of the child have to get approval from the parent that has no custody to sign custody over to someone else that isn't either parent

Kathryn Hilbush
Kathryn Hilbush
answered on Mar 19, 2023

Using only the sparse information provided, I'd say yes, unless the court transfers custody to the third party.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: Can I file a petition to voluntarily terminate my parental rights?

4 yrs ago I was arrested & ejected from my house for terroristic threats. I threatened to execute my ex wife by sticking a butcher knife in the back of her skull while my 5 year old son watched, then continuing on to kill my son, the family dog & myself (I was under the influence of... View More

Kathryn Hilbush
Kathryn Hilbush
answered on Mar 11, 2023

No, you cannot. If the child's mother files to have your fights terminated in connection with an adoption, then you may sign a consent to the termination. Otherwise, no.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody, Civil Rights and Juvenile Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: I have a cys matter I'm currently going to court for! They have unlawfully taken my kids and refuse to return them.

What can I do? What's a proper defense? Can anyone help me?

Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Feb 10, 2023

Youth Services cases are the most revealing as to how the law operates against the citizen. Every conceivable protection against abuses of the judiciary are flipped around and made to abuse the parent undergoing one of these cases.

First and foremost, the asker must understand there is a...
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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: Can cys threaten to make all urine test positive? If you test or not.
Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jan 17, 2023

Phrased another way, is the question can CPS default or impute a positive refused drug test? Yes they can and so can the judge in the case.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Pennsylvania on
Q: Reason being he didnt find out he had a daughter out there until OCY contacted him and she was already in the system.
Peter Christopher Lomtevas
Peter Christopher Lomtevas pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Jan 17, 2023

The key to adjusting and modifying any child dependency matter is to convince the child protective apparatus to go along with an idea to keep the child under the government's supervision while the biological father raises the child the best he can. Without further information, we cannot opine:... View More

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