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Questions Answered by Jonathan R. Ratchik
3 Answers | Asked in Criminal Law, Personal Injury and Education Law for New York on
Q: My 12 year old daughter was assaulted by another student at school. She has injuries. What type of lawyer should I call?

My daughter has a concussion,went to the hospital,and needs physical therapy.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Jan 11, 2024

So sorry to hear what happened to your daughter. If you haven't already, report the matter to the school's principal / assistant principal. You might even consider reporting the matter to the police depending on the severity of your daughter's injuries. Whether the school is... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Car Accidents and Personal Injury for New York on
Q: I was hot by car cracking my skull open, fractured legs and multiple other injuries

A Settlement was offered based on condition:

Condition 1: I will be Paid $1,200.00 immediately if I leave the town and never return.

Condition 2: I will be paid $1,000.00 per month for 12 months if and only if I agree to live in the streets.

Was this legal?

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Dec 22, 2023

So sorry to hear what happened to you. There's nothing illegal about making you a low settlement offer; insurance companies do it all the time, especially when someone is representing themself. The only way an insurance company will take your case seriously is if you hire an experienced... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury for New York on
Q: HelloAsking attorneys in the medical malpractice field.

A csf leak and h.o.d. have the same symptoms. I have h.o.d. but it's pretty much on over drive all the time. The hospitals refuse to give me the proper tests for a csf leak, they blame all the symptoms on the h.o.d. Would it change their minds if I asked for their refusal to be on paper?

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Dec 22, 2023

Generally speaking, a patient does not get to dictate the course of treatment provided by a hospital or medical provider. If you are dissatisfied with the treatment you are receiving from the hospital, best to seek a second opinion from a different doctor who might order different tests. Chances... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury for New York on
Q: My father died last year from what I believe were multiple medical mistakes .Are hospitals hard to sue

My father died May 2 2022.l

believe is was direct negligence

caused by the hospital that cared for

him. Multiple medical mistakes

double medicating, defibrillater at

wrong settings, incorrect medication

given causing multiple firings of... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Dec 22, 2023

I'm so sorry for your loss. As my colleague correctly advised, hospitals are not hard to sue (at least no more difficult than suing a doctor). In any malpractice case, however, you have to demonstrate a departure from the standard of care and harm resulting from the departure. The only way... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury and Car Accidents for New York on
Q: if I signed an agreement with mva attorney for them to receive a certain percentage yet they take more than agreement ?

I agreed to a 31% fee for mva accident attorney but I was charged 33% is that legal ? Also he had me pay tax if fair to get police report which I also had to pay for and then still charged me out of settlement for police report, charged me for postage and copies of forms that i received thru email... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Dec 22, 2023

Most contingency fee retainer agreements provide for an attorney fee to equal 1/3 of the settlement amount AND reimbursement for any costs incurred by the attorney in prosecuting the case, e.g. court fees, medical record fees, expert witness fees, etc. Your attorney should have provided you with a... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Medical Malpractice, Health Care Law and Personal Injury for New York on
Q: Who do I contact if I feel like healthcare care providers are disregarding my medical complaint?

I believe I contracted some type of worm/parasite during a vacation and received a MRI of the abdomen and pelvis in which one radiology tech questioned I might be pregnant because of movement seen during exam and another mentioned movement was seen confirming my suspicions but not reported to CDC.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Nov 22, 2023

As my colleague correctly advised, if you are dissatisfied with the level of care you received, you can reach out to the hospital's patient advocate and lodge a formal complaint. That said, your focus should be on getting appropriate medical care. If you are still experiencing symptoms... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury for New York on
Q: Is Marriot hotel responsible for my toddler injury while we stayed there?

My toddler ran into the coffee table in our room at the Marriot hotel and the sharp edges cut her eyebrow deep so we had to take her to ER and she received a few stitches. We spend about 5 to 6 hours in the ER and are now getting big bills. Is Marriot responsible for the injury to their guest or is... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Nov 13, 2023

Sorry to hear what happened to your daughter54cx. Based upon your description, you haven't identified any negligence on the part of Marriott which caused or contributed to your child's injury. Hotels that do not cater to children are arguably under no duty to baby-proof their rooms or... View More

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4 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice for New York on
Q: I got lip fillers a week ago and above my top lip is sticking out like a duck the place is refuses to fix it for me

I got juvederm lip fillers last week and the top lip where I believe is called the vermillion border almost on top of the pink color of the lip is all raised out and I look like I have a duck top lip almost. There are lumps also under the lip as well and the bottom lip also has a purplish color on... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Nov 7, 2023

Sorry to hear what happened to you. Unfortunately, as my colleague correctly advised, a bad outcome, without more, will not support a medical malpractice case, especially one arising out of a cosmetic procedure. Rather, you need to demonstrate a departure from the standard of care and an injury... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Legal Malpractice and Medical Malpractice for New York on
Q: I am a plaintiff in a med mal case, my attorney is being sued & hired the defense attorney in my case to represent her.

Is that a conflict of interest? The initial firm I hired on 8-15-19, (with a retainer), emails me saying he doesn't know me, and would never sue the defense, although I have phone records, emails, etc.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Nov 3, 2023

Your attorney is being sued by whom, by you or by someone else? If someone else, then there's arguably no conflict. There are many firms that represents doctors and hospitals in medical malpractice lawsuits and attorneys in legal malpractice lawsuits. As long as the two lawsuits do not... View More

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2 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury and Municipal Law for New York on
Q: how long and wide are hotel stairs supposed to be?

Late Tuesday morning I fell all the way from the top to the bottom of the stairs. There are 17 stairs and I have 17 stitches above my eyebrow. I wasn't intoxicated or on any drugs. It could have been from my shoes, but I am unsure of what happened. My leg is also messed up from the fall, it is... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Oct 19, 2023

Sorry to hear what happened to you. I am unaware of there being any Code requirements as to the maximum width of an interior staircase (they have to be at least 36" wide). With regard to staircases in NYC, the riser height can be no higher than 7". Tread depth can be no greater than... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury and Education Law for New York on
Q: In NYS state, should we sign a liability waiver that includes waiver of willful/gross negligence

Our child’s school is requiring us to sign a liability waiver that includes willful and/gross negligence to attend a mandatory, all-day retreat. He is not allowed to graduate without it and we’ve been told we are not allowed to alter the language of the release.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 29, 2023

Under New York General Obligations Law § 5-326, agreements exempting places of public amusement or recreation from liability are void and unenforceable. Even if the retreat does not fall into one of these categories, agreements than exempt parties from willful or gross negligence are... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Identity Theft, Criminal Law, Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice for New York on
Q: Please help!! How can i get my structed settlement money turn over to me?

I am 35 year old and i just found out my mother have been secretly using my settlement money since I was 7 year old. This settlement money was rewarded to me when I was a minor due to medical malpractice. My mother told me that I need to stay quiet about it and you still under guardianship. So I... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 26, 2023

If you had a medical malpractice case as a minor which settled, the proceeds would likely have been deposited in a bank account which would have been jointly held in trust by your guardian (your mother) and an officer of the bank. Significantly, any such monies should have been off-limits to your... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury for New York on
Q: Can I sue the Red Cross for atrial puncture injury caused during blood donation?

After the injury the Red Cross provided misleading information on severity and needed treatment. This resulted in a Pseudo aneurysm that required surgery.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 26, 2023

Sorry to hear what you've been through. As my colleague correctly advised, to have a viable case against the American Red Cross, you'd have to demonstrate that the manner in which it drew blood fell below the accepted standard of care and that such deviation caused you injury. An atrial... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Insurance Bad Faith, Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury for New York on
Q: Is there liability for a insurance company if my condition worsens due to their denial of authorization for more PT?

I was undergoing physical therapy for back/ spine issues with intermittent numbness and improving. Additional authorizations by my insurer were suddenly denied. PT office did not appeal immediately and only did once I received a copy of the letter and informed them. An appeal would take 30 days to... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 19, 2023

Sorry to hear what you've been going through. It is unlikely that your insurance company would be responsible for any physical harm you sustained due to its denial (or delay) in approving additional physical therapy visits. Although you could conceivably claim that the insurance... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Car Accidents for New York on
Q: The towing company charged me $5750 when my car crashed.The towing location is located 7miles from the location.
Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 12, 2023

It sounds like you're being overcharged. Ask for an explanation of why the bill is so high. You can also file a complaint with 311 about the towing company and that it is overcharging customers. There are laws in NYC that require towing companies to be licensed and which limit what they can... View More

3 Answers | Asked in Consumer Law, Personal Injury and Products Liability for New York on
Q: If a case is reassigned in federal court to a different judge, do previously submitted motions need to be resubmitted?

If, in a federal civil action, a case is reassigned from a magistrate judge to a district judge and all hearing dates are vacated with the order that "motions must be renoticed for hearing before the judge to whom the case has been reassigned," does that mean the previously submitted... View More

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 12, 2023

If the order is telling you to renotice the motion, then do so, even if the motion was already electronically filed. As for the deadline to do so, probably sooner rather than later and in accordance with any standing discovery orders. You can always try contacting the Judge's secretary or... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Consumer Law, Personal Injury, Products Liability and Small Claims for New York on
Q: Got chemical burns to my face and scalp, from Blonde Solutions hair products applied by their Educator. who do I sue?

After visiting a dermatologist, I found out the person listed as an Educator was an Unlicensed stylist.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 8, 2023

Sorry to hear what happened to you. If the educator was the individual who applied (or misapplied) the hair product in question, you would arguably sue that person along with his or her employer (assuming the educator was acting within the scope of employment). In the meantime, take photographs... View More

4 Answers | Asked in Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury for New York on
Q: My husband has constant bedsores as a result of being bedridden for months at a hospital I won’t name. Is this a case?

My husband has cancer that has responded to treatment but he’s suffering multiple issues just from the staff neglecting him. Bedsores, infections, psych meds not given when it was very clear in his chart he needed them. Location of hospital is in westchester but our home is in Wappingers Falls.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Sep 7, 2023

Sorry to hear what's happening to your husband. He might certainly have a case for malpractice if his bed sores were caused due to the hospital's neglect and could have been prevented. Best to reach out to an experienced medical / nursing home malpractice attorney. You can find many... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Consumer Law, Personal Injury and Products Liability for New York on
Q: What is the process of suing a company? I unknowingly purchased food that contained bugs in it, how do I sue?

I have the receipt, I took pictures of the barcode, etc. I also took the pictures of the bugs and what looked like holes within the black-eye peas.

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Aug 25, 2023

Purchasing food that contained bugs, without more, will not justify the time and expense of a lawsuit, even a lawsuit you bring yourself. Your damages are arguably limited to the purchase price. You'd be better off writing to the manufacturer and asking for a full refund.

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1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for New York on
Q: I fell on a homeowner’s property last year in the Bronx. I gave the case to an attorney who advised they can’t find insu

They can’t find the insurance company for the homeowners and she was served twice but never responded!

Jonathan R. Ratchik
Jonathan R. Ratchik
answered on Aug 25, 2023

It is possible that the homeowner did not have liability insurance. In which case getting a recovery is going to be exceedingly difficult as you will have to pursue the owner's personal assets. Best to speak with your attorney about what steps he or she wishes to take next, such as moving... View More

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