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Questions Answered by Kristine Jones
1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: Mychild is 16 she don't go to school haven't been since at least 8 grade she is 7 months pregnant an she work
Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 16, 2020

Hello. Yes, you still owe child support until she is 19 years old, 100% financially self-supporting, joins the military, or gets married, whichever occurs first.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: My brother signed a birth certificate of a child that wasn’t his. Can he be charged with child support?
Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 15, 2020

Hello. If they were not married and she files for child support, he needs to request a DNA test. Best of luck!

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: Can a custodial parent travel out of country for 5 months and return and regain custody?

The parents have joint custody, with the custodial parent leaving country for 5 months and not bringing child. Child will remain with non-custodial parent during that time. Is the non-custodial parent still expected to pay child support? Can the non-custodial parent win custody and receive child... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 9, 2020

Hello. The questions you raise have you thinking down the right path as to the type of things that may happen if you leave your child with the non-custodial parent. It would behoove you to seek local counsel and discuss with them all the issues you raised here. Best of luck!

2 Answers | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: Wife Closed Bank Acct Where Pmt Was Sent

My husband pays child support every two weeks and it was previously deducted from his paycheck (not because he was in arrears but for convenience) he lost his job so for the past 6 months we have mailed personal checks directly to Alabama child support office. His ex wife called today and said she... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 6, 2020

Hello. Continue to pay the state directly, that is the only way credits are applied to his account. Do not pay her directly. When he gets a new job, that is when he is obligated to have the IWO begin again and garnished from his check directly. Best of luck!

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2 Answers | Asked in Divorce for Alabama on
Q: If you are getting a divorce, is it best to sell property/houses/cars that have both persons on the loan?
Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 5, 2020

Hello. It depends on several considerations. Find a local attorney and talk with her/him about what's best for you. Best of luck.

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1 Answer | Asked in Divorce, Family Law and Child Custody for Alabama on
Q: Is it illegal for a girlfriend to spend the night while the child is over during visitation in Alabama?

The child is 15, almost 16 years old. The parents have joint custody. I'm dating the dad but the mom says in Alabama it's illegal for the child to come over if I'm staying the night. Also, says if we go on vacation and take the child, I am supposed to have a separate room. I found... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 5, 2020

Hello. It depends on what their decree or Settlement Agreement says. Some have provisions preventing that behavior, some don't. Best of luck!

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: If unwed women & known donor, both from TN, travel to AL to use ART facility, will he be protected from paying childsup

If an unwed woman residing in TN and a wed man living in TN both traveled to Alabama to use an art facility so that he could donate sperm to the unwed woman, would he be protected from paying child support? There would also be a contract signed releasing him from paying child support / having any... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 4, 2020

Hello. The facts given coupled with mom being unwed presents a scenario that the outcome depends on a lot of factors. You are creating a child that would have no legal father. Having a contract is good, but you create problems for it by jumping around and doing activities in different states. Child... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: Child support on a 18 year old who has a full time job and I pay bills for.

I have a 18 year old son who recently graduated HS. He received a great job offer right out of school. I currently pay $600 a month plus his other bills. The mom refuses to give him any of the support or apply it towards any of his bills. With me pay support and him having a full time good paying... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 3, 2020

Hello. You present several facts in your post and some of them raise further questions. A general answer is that child support typically does not stop until 19. However, it may stop if he is able to fully support himself financially and no longer needs any financial assistance from his parents.... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: My daughter father lives in a another state Seattle Washington. He's was ordered to pay child support he stopped.

It's been almost two year since she has received any payments she's 18 now and finished high school can she still receive any payments we went through DHR

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on Jun 3, 2020

Yes. Sounds like she may want to contact her DHR caseworker. Support obligation does not stop until 19. Best of luck!

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody, Divorce and Family Law for Alabama on
Q: Getting a divorce. My wife has relocated my 4 year old son 400 miles away from me against my consent

My wife has took my four-year-old son to relocate 400 miles away from me against my consent and that is owner recording on a voice recorder I have read all the child relocation laws but it seems they only apply to an existing custody order is there possibly a chance I can request for them to move... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 28, 2020

Hello. If you're in the process of a divorce then you may already have a temporary custody order in place. You can request them to move back closer but once a move is made, it's difficult to undo. You should consider retaining legal counsel from an attorney in the county where your case... View More

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3 Answers | Asked in Divorce, Child Custody and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: I'm headed for a divorce after 5yrand we have a 5yr old child together , will I have to pay child support and alimony

I don't want to have to pay for neither one. We both make around the same amount of money !

Birmingham, al.

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 28, 2020

Hello. Alimony depends on the facts of your marriage. Child support will largely depend on who has physical custody and the financial circumstances of the parents. Best of luck!

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2 Answers | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: My daughter turned 19 this month ..what steps do I need to take to terminate child support
Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 21, 2020

If she is the only child you are paying support for and you owe no arrears, then you can file a form with the clerk in the county where your child support case is located. The form is free and available on the internet. The clerk may also provide you with it. If you do have another child, then you... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Libel & Slander and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: I got a 15 ur old son that has had things put in his head an now for exactly what reason he never wants to see me again

So I am wondering since that’s his choice can I do anything where child support will be dropped . Why should i pay child support on a son I did no wrong to an refused to talk or see me

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 16, 2020

Hello. No, there is nothing you can do to stop support based on what you have said. That being said, your son does not get to make this decision until he is 19. You do have a right to see him and you can enforce that right through the court system. Thank you for the question.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: Do I still have to pay child support In Alabama if my 16 year old is pregnant?She doesn't want to see me 12yr
Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 11, 2020

Hello. Pregnancy by itself is not a reason child support may be terminated. Support can only be terminated for reasons listed in a settlement agreement, or because the child is now able to support themselves without needing anyone's help. Otherwise, age 19 is when it terminates.

2 Answers | Asked in Divorce for Alabama on
Q: My husband and I just filed a no fault, uncontested divorce in Alabama. I am the plaintiff.

He, the defendant, signed the answer and waiver and the agreement. Attorney filed the paperwork in court. Now my spouse has decided he wants to fight and is threatening to rescind the paperwork already filed. I am not in agreement and have no wish to reconcile. Can he as the defendant rescind... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 10, 2020

Yes, he can try to have it rescinded. It's best to talk to the attorney who filed the divorce.

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1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: Yes I have a 17 year old daughter that I pay child support on and she quit school she will be 18 in few month’s

What are my legal rights on this her mother dosnt make her mind let her quit school and most of the time she lives with her boyfriend

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 8, 2020

Child support continues until she is 19 unless she becomes completely self-supporting.

2 Answers | Asked in Divorce and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: My daughter that I pay child support on turns 19 in March 2021. She will be a senior in high school until May 2021

She will be 19 in March 2021 and graduate high school in May 2021. I would like my child support to end when she turns 19. Can I end it in March 2021 or do I have to wait until May 2021? Can I file to cease child support a few months before she graduates? My chilid support is garnished and I do not... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 6, 2020

Hello. It can end in March. Make sure you file the necessary form, or speak with a family law attorney in the county where your case was originally to find out exactly what you need to do.

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1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: my daughter is divorced and her ex husband has been ordered to pay child support. He is currently getting garnished but

is still in arrears. Now his taxes and stimulus check was added to arrears. How does that effect my daughter? If the taxes etc. are going toward arrears, she is still entitled to whole arrearage, right? But ultimately where does that money Refunds go to? lets say he owes $5000.00 and receives a... View More

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 6, 2020

Hello. Child support and how payments opposite is, unfortunately, more complicated than how you describe and more explanation is needed than able to write here. Best of luck.

2 Answers | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: My husband owes a Lot in arrears Well it's been over 28-31 years now we have raised them 90*\* of their life

Does there come a time in ones life where SHE stops receiving the arrears (back support)? Or the money would start going to the adult children? Can I receive my stimulus payment since I’m not responsible for the $?

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 6, 2020

Hello. No, the child support would go to the person who was always receiving the support. You would need to speak with a certified tax professional to discuss how to separate your taxes from your husband (married filing separate), which would change if and how you might receive your stimulus check.... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Divorce for Alabama on
Q: Soon-to-be Ex husband wants to terminate his parental rights. Can this be done at the same time as the divorce?

He hasn’t seen the child since august of 2019, a month before we decided to divorce. She is 2

Kristine Jones
Kristine Jones
answered on May 4, 2020

No, a termination of parental rights is a separate action in juvenile court. It also would not terminate his financial obligation to the child. Best of luck!

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