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Questions Answered by Delaram Keshvarian
3 Answers | Asked in Business Law, Civil Litigation, Contracts and Tax Law for California on
Q: Can a nonprofit organization demand a protective order for discovery

I've sued a nonprofit organization for breach of contract and corrupt practices. I've served all their requested discovery, but they are refusing to serve theirs without a comprehensive protective order that allows them to designate any document as confidential. If I agree to it, they... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on Jun 2, 2024

Thank you for your question!

A protective order during discovery is leverage available to each party IF based on PROPER grounds. You do not have to stipulate (agree) with their request. Instead, you can challenge the validity of their grounds, so do not let the court grant the protective...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law and Construction Law for California on
Q: What can I do about a contractor's unsatisfactory repair work?

My house was caught on fire back in February 2022. During the time we were displaced and were renting a home paid for by my home insurance, our contractor stated that they hadn't begun work yet pending permit approval etc. In April 2023 when my insurance displacement funding ran out,... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 19, 2024

Thank you for your question!

You can bring a breach of contract, implied warranty, express warranty, or tort damages (e.g., negligent, emotional distress).

The house may need to be examined by an expert to testify about the damages.

Different factors may be involved such...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: Our HOA has 56 homes but five of these homes it’s not located on the special entrance streets with monuments with flower

We are part of a HOA in Westlake Village, 91362

The HOA has 56 homes but five of these homes it’s not on the private streets entrance as the other 51 homes.

Our HOA board has set up a election to vote on a special assessment of 280,000 to beautify six main monument entrance to the... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 27, 2024

Thank you for your question!

Under the Common Interest Development Open Meeting Act, most meetings of the board of a community association must be open to attendance by the association's members (excluding exceptions).

Members must be allowed to speak at any meeting of the...
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3 Answers | Asked in Consumer Law, Civil Litigation and Collections for California on
Q: Would it be advisable to reach out to a lawyer now to submit a motion to quash, or wait until a default judgment?

I have a question about a civil limited case. I recently discovered that a summons and complaint (civil limited) were served, but not on me. It seems the process server falsely claimed to have served me at a specific date and time when I was actually about 10 miles away, parked in a garage, going... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on Jun 2, 2024

Thank you for your question!

If the motion to quash is granted, the case gets dismissed. If a lawsuit gets dismissed twice, the Plaintiff cannot sue you about that claim anymore. You can file a motion to quash and answer together, or separately (motion to quash must be first).

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2 Answers | Asked in Contracts for California on
Q: In the interrogatory, the defendant provided false answers. How should one proceed?

In the interrogatory, the plaintiff asked whether the defendant signed the lease, and the defendant responded 'no.' However, the plaintiff possesses the lease signed by the defendant using DocuSign. How should one proceed? Can I request the court to impose sanctions?

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 26, 2024

Thank you for your question!

You can file a motion to compel the defendant to provide the true answers. Attach the signed lease as the supporting evidence for the defendant's untruthfulness.

You can also seek sanctions. If the discovery response is verified, it is also...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: Mom,74 needs a loan against an OWNED prop& I will be co-app. I need to be on deed ,how do i do that w/o paying alot of $

She owns 1 prop & wants to buy lot next door. She needs me to be on said loan because I have a job. Im told i need to be on deed ,which is okay( we live together & pay things together anyway ). I just dont want to need a 2nd loan to cover the costs of altering the deed. Riverside co. Perris,CA

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 10, 2024

Thank you for your question!

1. For your mother to get the mortgage under your name, there is no need to add your name to the deed.

2. If you prefer to add your name to the deed, then there are necessary elements for the conveyance of a deed to be valid:

1. A sufficient...
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3 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: I signed a mutual cancellation agreement May 1. May 2nd their lawyer records a Pendency of Action. Is this breach of cnt

I sold my home to a cash buyer (quick sale) and 5 days before escrow was to close they called and said they wanted to lower the price by $40k. I said, "NO"..

I was served with a breach of contract lawsuit. We finally sign a mutual cancellation of agreement on May 1. On May... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 10, 2024

Thank you for your question!

1. Counterclaim or demurrer

You don't have to file a separate lawsuit for"Beach of contact." You can file a counterclaim for "Beach of contact settlement agreement" if you have settled all claims.

You can at the same...
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2 Answers | Asked in Contracts, Real Estate Law and Civil Rights for California on
Q: How do I sue to force an action?

I'm a member in good standing in a non CID HOA. The HOA is ignoring my request for information and documentation I'm entitled to. How can I sue to force action?

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 11, 2024

Thank you for your question!

1. Only some authorized members of the association are allowed to demand to inspect or receive a copy of the membership list, books, records, or minutes.

When the authorized member makes a demand to inspect or receive a copy of the community...
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3 Answers | Asked in Consumer Law, Contracts and Landlord - Tenant for California on
Q: My landlord entered my apartment without notice. He has the key. I was home and got very scared. What can I do about it?

My landlord said he rang the door bell and knocked the doors I didn’t hear at all. So he said he thought nobody was home and them entered as he has the key. I thought it insulting.

He said it was an emergency as the fire alarm battery was dead and needed replacement.

I argued that... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 12, 2024

Thank you for your question!

Changing the battery of a fire alarm does not seem to be an emergency, that poses immediate harm to people or property.

For repair, landlords are allowed to enter into the property by providing written notice in advance. If such a notice was not...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: I belong to an HOA that has 56 homes, but five of these homes are located over the hill in the total different community

The main road that leads to my home and the other 4 homes on my HA has a totally different entrance from the rest of my HOA neighborhood community. Actually our main entrance belongs to a different HOA where other 500 homes are part of.

The dues that I pay I don’t get any benefit from it... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 27, 2024

The rule change may be reversed by the affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum (more than 50%) of the members unless the declaration of bylaws calls for approval by a greater percentage.

A member's request to copy or inspect the membership list solely to call a special vote to...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: While in escrow as the buyer. The Court had me put the purchase price in trust with the Court.

The stipulation was that the seller was NOT to receive the funds without the deed and a clear title policy.

Unbeknownst to me , the court GAVE the seller the funds. I was NEVER notified or given so much as a receipt. I found out 7 months after the court (against its own order) gave the... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 10, 2024

It happens that in the court procedures, there are mistakes, errors, or misconduct by opposing party or court staff.

There can be different approaches to deal with these types of situations:

1. You can file a motion in the current court proceedings to set aside any transference or...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: Which homeowner is responsible for a hillside. The neighbor above the hillside, or the neighbor below??

Assuming that the water from the above hillside has a proper drain system, and water is not running on to the lower hillside property. In the event of a heavier than average rainy season, who is liable for integrity of the slope?

In this particular situation, the property of the slope is... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 10, 2024

Thank you for your question!

There are different laws applicable for "surface water" vs. "watercourse."

I assume that there is no watercourse here because you did not mention existing of a fixed channel. All the discussion here is for surface water.

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2 Answers | Asked in Landlord - Tenant, Tax Law, Foreclosure and Real Estate Law for California on
Q: Eviction process, rights & responsibilities of new owner after tax default sale Lassen County, CA.

What is the correct process and what documents/notices do I use in order to evict a former owner from property that I purchased in a tax default sale/auction located in Lassen County, CA? Also am I allowed to dispose of items left on the property as soon as I am notified as winner of... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 9, 2024

Thank you for asking the question!

For evicting a tenant, you need to go through the formal legal process of eviction. Self-help of the landlord is prohibited. You cannot throw away the tenant's property as soon as you win the property.

Also, there is a right of redemption...
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2 Answers | Asked in Elder Law, Contracts and Probate for California on
Q: how to defend yourself from wrongdul allegations of undue influence fin. elder abuse,quiet title and cancel deed,

and rescission of will? I have proof with declarations to support my where abouts and reciepts to show where anymoney went. and the deceased left a will i didnt know about untill after his death. I transfered property by affdavit.

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 12, 2024

Thank you for your question!

The underlying cause of action action against you is "Undue Influence." Quiet title, cancellation of deed, and rescission of will are remedies sight of the liability in the underlying cause of action is proven.

Sometimes attorneys argue that...
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3 Answers | Asked in Contracts, Real Estate Law, Civil Litigation and Civil Rights for California on
Q: Is there a way to require/request the opposing party in civil litigation to prove their identity? California

I have reason to believe that the person suing me uses fake names in contracts and lawsuits so as not to be held responsible if he loses a lawsuit or is sued.

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 25, 2024

Thank you for your question!

In pleadings (initial responsive documents) or discovery, you can ask for the identity of the past.

This is merely a discussion of general laws and not legal advice. For legal advice, more specific facts and investigations are needed. I recommend you...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: Trying to understand the following passage from a california realtor listing agreement

From the passage below has the realtor performed per the listing agreement simply by bringing together a willing buyer at listing price or, does the seller have to agree to the sale and terms for the agent to earn her commission?

1) If during the Listing Period, or any extension, Broker,... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 8, 2024

Thank you for asking the question!

Each case needs to be evaluated with its own specificity to see if the agent/broker can collect commission after procuring a buyer under listing agreement.

In general it is possible for a broker/agent to recover their compensation fees if...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: What are ways to protect original intent of a Joint Tenancy when a change is needed?

Three elderly Joint Tenants own and live in a home together. They divide all expenses equally. One of the Joint Tenants is struggling with medical bills. The other two Joint Tenants are willing to help financially. Enter a third party who is offering to buy out the interest of the Joint Tenant by... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 7, 2024

Thank you for asking the question!

The joint tenants (JT) are legally allowed to sell their property.

There may be some ways to keep the property among the current JT.

1. Life estate:

Is a form of present interest in property that gives the right of use and...
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2 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for North Carolina on
Q: H&w own home joint tenets by the entirety. Wife solely has judgment. Can title pass?

Wife bought house individually, but they were married. Several years later they executed a quit claim deed transferring title to joint tenets by the entirety; now, roughly 10 years after the quit claim deed they are selling. This Judgement is new. In order for new buyers to secure title insurance;... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 6, 2024

Thank you for asking the question!

Title insurance guarantee the title against the future claims (after the title is obtained). So, existing liens or claims are not guaranteed by title insurance. But, it happens that an existing lien or judgement can create future claims over title. In that...
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2 Answers | Asked in Landlord - Tenant for California on
Q: I rented a 2nd floor commercial space for use as a piano studio, paid deposit/first month rent, then couldn't access it.

13 days after signing the lease I informed Lessor my piano mover said the elevator was not an adequate loading elevator (not big enough) for my 7' Steinway piano, & stairs too narrow. I couldn't move in. Long complicated lease describes Lessee (me) to inspect premises (I did, but the... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 6, 2024

Thank you for asking the question!

Usually it is the tenants' obligation to inspect the property to see if the property is a for to his purpose of leasing. This duty usually is bolstered if it is written in the lease.

If at the time of the leasing, tenant had communicated to...
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3 Answers | Asked in Real Estate Law for California on
Q: Two friends purchase an investment home together (JTWROS). Friend A retains a law firm to remove Friend B from title.

SCENARIO: Two friends purchase an investment home together (JTWROS). Friend A has the necessary funds for the down payment and closing costs, but has poor credit and insufficient income to qualify for a loan. Friend B has excellent credit but very little in the way of savings. After the close of... View More

Delaram Keshvarian
Delaram Keshvarian
answered on May 6, 2024

Thank you for asking the question!

Quiet title action

It is a remedy in the court of equity and it is about fairness. Intention of the parties at the time of obtaining the property is important.

Intention of the parties can be establish by parties testimony, and from facts...
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