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Alabama Personal Injury Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury and Health Care Law for Alabama on
Q: Instruments not sterilized when Ingrown toe nail was removed.

I have an infected toe nail and had to get it removed. I was notified that I could of been contaminated with an infection due to not have the instruments used properly sterilized. I had to get lab work done but haven't gottten the results back. I have to get lab work done for the next 6 month... View More

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Jul 6, 2017

You have a claim for the cost of the lab work at least. See what happens, get a free consult from a member of tha Ala. Assn for Justice.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury and Car Accidents for Alabama on
Q: I was injured in Alabama said under this code I could not get pain and sufferingWhat if the driver had been drinking
Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Apr 21, 2017

Contact a member of the Alabama Trial Lawyers Assn--they give free consults.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: Company is working on my sub floor. They left unsecured plywood for me to get by on. I've fell off edge, broke wrist

And had to have surgery. Shouldn't they b liable for medical and lost work time?

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Apr 14, 2017

Your floor, you knew about it, I don't see it buy why not contact a member of the Ala. Assn for Justice--they give free consults.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: If you hire someone to cut a tree in your yard and they get hurt are you liable for the medical bills
Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Mar 31, 2017

Generally no, they are a contractor, unless the reason they get injured is because you didn't tell them about something--they put their ladder over an area you know to have a hole under it, the ladder goes in, tips, injury.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Criminal Law and Civil Litigation for Alabama on
Q: If you sue someone on a wrongful death suit ,and there insurance company pays

Can you still file civil suit Or sue a facility he was being held at ,like a work release facility?

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Feb 13, 2017

Chances are no for two reasons--the insurance company represented the parties that were doing wrong and also would have asked the administrator of the estate for a release before making any settlement payment. That release had a number of clauses. But I'm assuming you have a lawyer. Why not... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Criminal Law and Civil Litigation for Alabama on
Q: If someone is in work they are put on road crew and are hit by a car that is speeding what can

(He was on work release )Be done besides the drivers insurance company,is the facility held reliable and if you sue his insurance company can you still take him to civil court or go after the facility,after sueing,his he was a adoc inmate

Samuel G McKerall
Samuel G McKerall
answered on Feb 12, 2017

This is not a criminal law question. Its a civil law litigation question.

Any time you are injured in any way you and your lawyer should sue every single person, firm, corporation or governmental entity that you and he or she can reasonably determine might be responsible. You do not sue...
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1 Answer | Asked in Animal / Dog Law and Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: My dog and another dog were in a fight a couple of weeks ago, I was bitten by the other dog. Is she liable?

Can I still report it?

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Feb 2, 2017

Depends on how it happened, but usually no unless the other dog came on to your property, was let run free etc. Contact a member of the Ala. Assn for Justice--they give free consultations.

1 Answer | Asked in Animal / Dog Law and Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: My neighbors pit bull chased me and bit my leg while I was walking my dog on her leash down a public street. Can I sue?

Around 9:45 pm on Jan 21,2017, I was walking my dog on her leash down a public side street in my town when a large black or blue blur came running up to me and my dog. I pulled my dog close to me and started to jog away from the dog. The dog then ran around us barking so I turned around to walk... View More

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Jan 23, 2017

Call the local dog warden or whoever enforces leash laws; they'll get a rabies record. Contact a member of the Alabama Assn for Justice--they give free consultations.

1 Answer | Asked in Animal / Dog Law and Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: My sister's dog, who we have kept for 3 wks. bit fedx man. Took him to hospital, he needs surgery. What should we do?
Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Jan 19, 2017

Notify your homeowners insurance. If you don't have homeowners then you'd want to consult an attorney, but I would suggest you start with a bankrupcy attorney not that you need to file now but you need to know your options. In the meantime I would avoid talking to anyone from the Fedex... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury and Products Liability for Alabama on
Q: If I had a heart attack due to smoking, can I sue the tobacco company
Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Nov 4, 2016

Unlikely, but why not contact an Alabama lawyer who has handled smoking related cases? Problem with a heart attack is that it happens often to people who never smoke at all. So proving it was tobacco and not other things in your body,your life, your lifestyle would be very problematic.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: R lawyers allowed to attach add'l fees AFTER settlement distribution amts on paperwork were signed & filed in court?
Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Oct 13, 2016

Usually not--look at your fee agreement. However if the "fees" are really lien payments, that's not a fee but a statute driven payment that has to be made. Review each item in person with the attorney.

2 Answers | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: Do I have legal right to receive transcript of phone calls I gave consent to be recorded?

My car insurance company has been rather nasty. I am looking for an attorney & want to give her/him a clear picture if case. I requested transcripts of insurance company conversations & insurance company refuses. Do I have a legal right to my own conversation?

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Oct 12, 2016

I suggest you contact a member ot the Alabama Assn for Justice who handles "bad faith" claims---they give free consultations. Generally you can ask but they don't have to give without a subpoena. If appropriate a complaint can be filed with the Insurance Commissioner and they can... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: Does homeowners insurance pay claims to an injured guests if the guest was intoxicated at the time of the accident?

A guest fell off the ladder of a pool exiting the pool was hospitalized with multiple fractures .The guest was intoxicated.The guest wants to file on homeowners insurance to help with expenses.

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Sep 25, 2016

There are two parts to a homeowners--medpay,which usually is low, about 5k but does't require a showing of fault, and liability, which requires guest to show host was cause of injuries and host was more careless than guest was. Much depends on circumstances and decisional law in your state. If... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Animal / Dog Law and Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: Can I sue my neighbor for bullying me into getting rid of my dog.when i did the dog tried to come home and got hit.

The were basically complaining that my dog was watching them over the fence.She told me her dog would kill my dog if she jumped over the fence. My dog never jumped over the fence. They sent harassing text messages and even came over to do nothing but complain after I haven't talked to them in... View More

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Sep 13, 2016

No. No pain and suffering for loss of pet in most states if not all. But consult a member of the Alabama Assn for justice--they give free consults.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: Was injured at Walmart they called today for a "sitdown" I don't have a lawyer. Should I go?

I was reaching for an air pump when all of a sudden about 6 fell on my head and shoulders a few hit my legs. I have a doctor's appointment coming up at an orthopedic doctor. I've had a headache pretty much since it happened. My neck feels maybe like whiplash. I have bruises on my legs and... View More

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Sep 13, 2016

Talk to a member of the Alabama Assn for Justice--they give free consultations. At this stage Walmart is less interested in paying you than getting you to say things their way. You should ask them if you can have a copy of your witness statement and any store video. Their response should tell you... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Education Law, Civil Rights, Juvenile Law and Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: Hello, is my private school allowed to print off my text messages without my permission?

Hello, is my private school allowed to print off my text messages without my permission? They never took my phone away but said they have a script of my message that they got from somewhere. I never gave them permission and I never signed anything throughout the year that allows them to do that. Is... View More

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Jul 23, 2016

Don't see how they could have done that. Now they may have gotten your "message" from another person--the other person is free to print off anything you email or text them, give it or forward it to whoever they wish. Did they say they have all of your texts to anyone? I doubt it.... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: My aunt lent me X bobcat that had a broken latch she failed to warn me about and my fiance was injuries because of it.

When she purchased bobcat she left it at my father's property for him to use for last 10 yrs but talked with my father to discuss any issues with equipment often but bobcat never been in her possession can I she her for no warning of broken latch

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Jul 18, 2016

How would she know if she never possessed it? She can't warn about things she didn't know. Girlfriend could sue dad except there is an element of assumption of risk if she didn't ask anyone.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: My car was damaged when an intoxicated driver ran into a buggy return overturning it onto my car he left scene

the driver attempted to turn into a parking space on the opposite side of a buggy return in a store parking lot. He struck the return then quickly reversed his vehicle at a high speed causing the buggy return which was not fastened to the ground, to overturn onto my vehicle. witnesses tried to stop... View More

Peter N. Munsing
Peter N. Munsing
answered on Jul 1, 2016

Yes. Contact a member of the Alabama Trial Lawyers Assn--they give free consults.

1 Answer | Asked in Internet Law, Personal Injury and Libel & Slander for Alabama on
Q: For my job I sent someone a letter via mail. He posted it on Facebook but changed his name on it to "Corn Man."

He also removed the street number of his address and removed my last name of my signature. Then in the actual post he addressed me by my last name. Is this legal?

Mr. Michael O. Stevens
Mr. Michael O. Stevens
answered on Apr 21, 2016

Could be copyright infringement, but since it was your letter, hard to claim defamation since the truth is an absolute defense.

1 Answer | Asked in Animal / Dog Law and Personal Injury for Alabama on
Q: I was bit by a pit bull on my leg on Feb. 25 and have no information on anything besides owner has court march 1st at 8.

What procedures do I need to take to start my lawsuit.

Mr. Michael O. Stevens
Mr. Michael O. Stevens
answered on Mar 1, 2016

Find a local attorney who handles dog bites and then let them handle everything. Insurance companies do not feel threatened by individuals suing them, as they have a roster of attorneys on call.

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