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Questions Answered by Sheila Crumley Field
2 Answers | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: What if the father signed the affidavit of paternity but isn't biologically can he still be held for child support
Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 9, 2020

Probably not. He still has to come into court and be adjudicated the legal father. At this point he can ask for a paternity test and if it shows he’s not the father then he will not be liable for child support. On the other hand if he comes into court and says the child is mine, I don’t want a... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Alabama on
Q: I cant get my 16 year old to mind me he has a girlfriend that is 14 and he sneaks to her house while her dad isnt home.

We live in Alabama what can i do

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 9, 2020

Jesus! Call juvenile and have him arrested for ungovernable!!! He’s fixing to get into real trouble if that girl gets pregnant. Call her father and tell him what his daughter is let happening. Do anything to keep from your son being charged with rape 2nd and having to register as a sex offender... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: I have physical custody of my son and his dad pays child support. There is a visitation schedule that we are supposed

To follow but of course he sees him maybe once a month and talks to him maybe once a month. Can I file for full custody or say he’s abandoned him and receive more child support?

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 7, 2020

No that’s not how it works..

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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Alabama on
Q: I am in need of an emergency lawyer. ongoing DHR case, and need an emergency custody so child wont go into foster care.

I need to have a lawyer help issue a emergency custody because we are across state lines in Georgia from Alabama they need for us to do temporary custody, they say that our county in Ga won't work with centre Alabama on a family stay plan. This is a rush situation and need to have legal... View More

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 7, 2020

I am not in Center but use the internet to google family law attorneys. You should be able to get something filed this morning without a problem.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Military Law for Alabama on
Q: It’s my first offense and I’m also in the military I got a UPOM2 charge and I’m black what’s are my chances in court
Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 6, 2020

Very good. You have several options available. You can enroll in the PReTrial Diversion Program (PTIP) that is like probation except when you finish your case is dismissed. Or there is always Veterans Court which is the same thing, probation but when you finish your case is dismissed. Terms are... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: My son just turned 18 last week. He did not finish school or graduate. He is HF Asperger's, and has tried to work.

His anxiety was too bad to continue. His dad has stopped child support, but I'm confused as to where it's 18 or 19 in Alabama. I see 19,with stipulations. Help please, thank you!

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 6, 2020

It’s 19 In Alabama. He has to pay until your son turns 19, which is the age of majority in Alabama. Additionally have you thought about applying for disability for your son? Especially if a doctor recommended or diagnosed him with a condition that makes it impossible for him to work. You might... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Alabama on
Q: Thank you! Should I be contacting Lee County or Macon County police department? Because I have had trouble in the past

with Macon County police due to his granddad (the home she is supposed to be) being a deputy sheriff. They always try to file harassment and the police are reluctant to help me...

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 5, 2020

Call Lee county and report it. They will get in touch with the police In Arizona. Good luck!!

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Alabama on
Q: Hi I have a 7 year old daughter and we live in Lee County Alabama. I have ordered in my divorce decree

"The plaintiff (me) shall have custody of the parties’ minor child

and the defendant visitation at reasonable times and places as agreed upon by the parties." By this terminology I'm not sure if I have sole physical or legal custody? Also I allowed my daughter to go with... View More

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 5, 2020

You have sole custody. Send him a text and tell him you are going to the police department within thirty minutes if he doesn’t respond. Then if he doesn’t, get to the police department and file for interference with custody. Get moving on this quickly if you want your daughter back!

1 Answer | Asked in Estate Planning for Alabama on
Q: My adult children recently inherited their deceased fathers home however there is a woman who is squatting in it

They was advised to serve her a 30 day written notice Which they did The utilities are listed in my name Can I legally suspend the utilities after the 30 day notice to vacate

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 4, 2020

No. You will owe her money if you do. The next step is to evict her. Go to small claims court and get the forms, file them and have her served. Once served she has 14 days to answer. After that, then you can file for a default. After that if she’s still there then ask for a writ of assistance to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Small Claims for Alabama on
Q: My boyfriend who I live with died and his truck that is payed for has been taken by his brother and I feel lts mine
Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 4, 2020

If you weren’t married then it belongs to his estate. Did y’all have any children? If yes, then they are entitled to it. If not, then his parents are entitled to it. If no parents, then siblings. You have no rights, unless you can prove you paid for it.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: If child support is to be discontinued at child birthday 8/20 can court reinstate due to college expenses

Also can he drop her from his family insurance coverage

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Aug 1, 2020

It must stop at the childs 19th birthday. However if college expenses were reserved in the divorce decree then you can file for a modification prior to the child turning 19, in order to ask the court to extend the child support as college expenses. Also while the child is enrolled as a full time... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Appeals / Appellate Law for Alabama on
Q: Once you accept a plea deal is it possible to appeal even though you waived your right to appeal?

If you didnt receive adequate representation by your court appointed attorney,wasnt fully aware of what this agreement meant,district attorneys office lost evidence,attorney was "too busy" to show up for my arraignment, court clerk alters my plea agreement after it was signed and judge approved it

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 30, 2020

You can file a motion to set aside the plea if it’s been less than thirty days. If it’s been longer than 30 days you can file a rule 32 based up ineffective assistance of counsel.

1 Answer | Asked in Domestic Violence for Alabama on
Q: What will happen if I don't want to press domestic violence and harassment charges against my 18 year old son?
Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 30, 2020

Nothing. They will probably put the case in an administrative docket for six months and then if there are no further problems they will dismiss it.

2 Answers | Asked in Family Law and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: My daughter is 18 and joined the Alabama National Guard does my ex still pay til she is 19.
Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 29, 2020

Yes. He is under a court order to pay you until her 19th birthday.

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1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Alabama on
Q: After so long though doesn't pawn shop discard pawn records etc the item was taken to a pawn shop a few years ago
Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 29, 2020

Pawn shops have been regulated by the state for fthe last four years. The police department’s have direct access to all items pawned on a daily basis. They usually have the investigators scanning the pawn shops for stolen merchandise on a daily basis. Once they find an item that has been reported... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Alabama on
Q: If the crime happend 3 years ago can i get in trouble if they just now found out
Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 29, 2020

There is no statute of limitations on rape, robbery, murder, arson, most sex Crimes or possession of a forged instrument 1st degree. If the crime happened after January 1, 2016 then the statute of limitations is four years for felonies. If the crime you committed is a felony then, yes, they can... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law for Alabama on
Q: 3 different credit cards were opened and used without y permission. Is it 3 different charges?

3 different credit cards were opened along with 3 Authorize users under each without my knowledge and permission.

over $1200 spent on all cards.

How many charges are here?

What are the charges?

What are the penalties?

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 22, 2020

They should be a charged with identity theft

Which is a class b felony and carries a punishment of 2-20 years and is not a guideline offense, which means they can possibly go to prison. And since you didn’t authorize the cards at all that is the proper charge. Ask the investigator over...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for Alabama on
Q: If I dont send my son with his father due to non payment of child support what can happen?

We have been divorced for 5 years and in the last year he has not paid child support. What would happen if I refuse to send him to his father's house? His father doesn't live on his own. He lives with his mom and she pays for everything when our son is there. He doesn't even have his... View More

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 22, 2020

You can be held in contempt of court which can carry a five day jail sentence for each time you refuse to send the child. Non payment of child support does not give the right to suspend visitation. Go to DHR and sign up for collection of your past due support. Good luck.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Alabama on
Q: If I have custody of my niece, how would I be informed if her father filed a motion to gain custody back?

I got full custody of my niece in August of 2019 with supervised visitation for her father, he never showed in court, advoided DHR not once but twice, the caseworker told me he cussed her out and everything. Well I was recently informed that he went and file for a motion to get custody back.... View More

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 21, 2020

If he filed you will be served with a copy of the Petition. You will have 30 days to answer it. If you don’t he can default you and get what he wants, so answer it. Good luck!

1 Answer | Asked in Child Support for Alabama on
Q: If non custodial parent owes arrears of over $50,000, and just got released from Federal Prison,how can I collect

Child is 23yrs old, and non custodial parent hasn’t paid , what can I do to still collect

Sheila Crumley Field
Sheila Crumley Field
answered on Jul 20, 2020

Unless he’s working you still won’t be able to collect. However go to DHR and take a copy of your court order and they will start the collection process

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