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Florida Child Custody Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Adoption, Child Custody and Family Law for Florida on
Q: Me and my ex are currently living together and we have a child. She also has 2 other children who I have raised for the

- past 7 years. Their fathers have nothing to do with them and they even think I am their father. She is very unstable and has even almost physically hurt the children before and even told me that if I wasnt there to stop it she might have really thg hurt her 6 year old one day. I've only... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Jan 13, 2021

I am assuming that you are in Florida. If not then you need to ask this question of a Louisiana attorney. For your child, you need to file a Petition for Paternity to protect your rights. For the other children, since you are not married to the mother you really have no legal rights.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: I live in Florida, but my children spend most of the year in ND. The kids want to live with me. What do I need to do?

Their mother has denied mental health services to our daughter, who has been battling depression, stating that there’s nothing wrong. Mother is verbally and mentally abusive, as witnessed by both of my children. Step father is a good man and tries to help but can’t do much. They’re begging to... View More

Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard
answered on Jan 13, 2021

Consult with a family law attorney in North Dakota.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: My grandson is moving to Florida with his dad from Indiana. His dad has 5 other kids in the house.

He wants to stop paying child support even tho Hunter’s never stayed with him longer than 2 weeks. I don’t think he’ll stay down there too long. If the judge orders payments to stop, how difficult will it be to get child support now that his dad moved from Kentucky to Florida?

Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard
answered on Jan 6, 2021

If an Indiana court has ordered the father to pay child support, it would be up to that court to modify the support order, if that court finds that child support should be modified. In the mean time, the person to whom the support is payable can contact the Florida Department of Revenue to assist... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: My 15 year old stepson lives in bartow with his mom. She told him to get out. How do we proceed getting him to live here

We live in cape Coral. She is mentally abusive and has been physical when he was younger. He would not tell cps when they would visit.

Bruce Alexander Minnick
Bruce Alexander Minnick
answered on Jan 2, 2021

Re-open the divorce proceedings and file an emergency motion to amend custody agreement.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: How can my boyfriend get his kids back from their mother who lost her parental rights, but somehow ended up with them

My boyfriend’s soon to be ex-wife, who he’s separated and estranged from, lost her parental rights a few years ago. His sister was awarded custody of the 2 kids. At some point she became overwhelmed and was contacted by their mother and she gave the kids to her. She left Florida and now has the... View More

Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
answered on Dec 31, 2020

He needs to file for custody in the state where the children have been residing for more than 6 months and demonstrate that the mother is no longer a legal parent which means that he is the only parent with the right to the children. He needs to consult an attorney in the state where the children... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: Porque razón válida,se puede apelar para quitar visita de un padre a un menor?

Mi hijo tiene 7 años ,su padre legal nunca lo ha mantenido ,yo tengo la custodia del niño pero con visita del padre ,yo soy dominicana mi familia toda viven allá ,el me amenaza de que si yo pongo manuntension el no me da la firma para sacar el permiso de poder viajar con el niño a ver mi... View More

Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
answered on Dec 31, 2020

Si el padre a sido estblecido como el padre legal y visita al nino, aunque no pague la manutencion no lo puedes quitar de los documentos legales del nino. Si el a abandonado al nino y no lo ve ni lo mantiene, entonces es posible quitarle los derechos de padre por abandono. No es un proceso simple y... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: Obtained custody and child support packet from Orange County Court. Which part needs to be submitted 1st to get started?

The packet is 600 pages. Attorneys have told me that certain parts are submitted at different times throughout the hearings. I want to know what part(s) I need to submit to get things started. I called the Court Clerk and spoke with a Deputy Clerk, whom wasnt sure.

Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
answered on Dec 31, 2020

Most attorneys have never purchased the packet from the court. In order to get better advice you might want to list the names of the documents you received. For custody and child support, you would normally need the Petition to Determine Paternity, UCCJEA, Financial Affidavit, plus any specific... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Domestic Violence and Family Law for Florida on
Q: Can I get full custody of my two children Boy(9) Girl(11)after abuse has happened to my daughter while at her fathers?

Daughter has suffered physical and verbal abuse from the step mom. Son watched and has heard. He also has suffered from physical abuse as well just not to the same extent. Daughter has been sexually abused by the step sister for multiple years. Daughter has now tried to commit suicide while at... View More

Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
answered on Dec 29, 2020

If there is no family or dependency case in court with these circumstances, you must run, not walk to the courthouse to get assistance for your children. If the things you state here can be proven with evidence and testimony, yes, you have a good chance of obtaining supervised time-sharing for the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Florida on
Q: If my Childs father does not give her back on aggreged upon date can I call the cops?

Father is on the birth certificate but my daughter has been with me for all 5 years of her life. No custody or parenting plan is in place. I'm allowing her to go visit for 2 days. If he decides to keep her can I call the cops? He does not pay child support and there is nothing in the courts... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Dec 29, 2020

If you are this concerned then you should not let her go until you have a court order. Legally you have all the rights based on what you say but that won't automatically stop him from refusing to return the child. Make him go to court if he wants timesharing and have him pay child support as well.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: i wanted some one to look at my case because i don't know what to do. I just spent 8,000 on a lawyer and the other pers

please help

Destardes Moore
Destardes Moore
answered on Dec 22, 2020

I’m not sure if your case is still pending or if your case has concluded. However, you can reach out to an attorney for a consultation and explain your legal issue more in-depth. Good Luck!

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Florida on
Q: If CP becomes unemployed in FL can the NCP obtain custody of the kids to support and move out state to GA?
Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Dec 22, 2020

If your court order on timesharing is from Florida then you must return to court in Florida and prove to the court that it is in the child's best interest to relocate to Georgia. The court will consider numerous factors including each parent's financial ability and home situation.

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1 Answer | Asked in Divorce, Family Law and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: Can I lose custody of my kids?

My kids were born and raised in Central Florida. I was living in Orlando for a year with my kids while my husband was living in Boston. He moved to South Florida and insisted the kids go there. The kids and I stayed there for 3 weeks until his emotional/verbal abuse got to be too much and CPS got... View More

Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
answered on Dec 12, 2020

There's a lot of issues here that you would really need an attorney to give you advice based on the specifics of your case. Family court is intended to make orders that are in the children's best interest. If the Department of Children and Families has already been involved against him,... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support and Family Law for Florida on
Q: my childs mother has threatened to take my daughter and move to another state. my daughter is 3

and has been living with me since our breakup in April 2019. she see's her mom randomly some times once a month sometimes she will go 7 weeks without seeing her and its normally for a few days at a time when she does see her.

her mom has been living in motels hotels renting rooms and... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Dec 8, 2020

If you have not already, you need to go to court on a paternity action. There you can establish your timesharing (custody) in a court order. Until the father of a child born out of wedlock goes to court the mother has full authority over the child.

Good luck.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody for Florida on
Q: 16 yr old girl wants to transfer custody herself from her mother to a cousin. Mom thinks she has 2 chips in her head.

She thinks neuro link put a chip in her head to help her with her physical disability.she says the chip is not just a medical device but she also has the A1 part thats she didn't sign up for. She says its was a trial. She didn't eat for a month and drank water . She dropped over 100 lbs.... View More

Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard
answered on Dec 4, 2020

If DCF went to your cousin's house, they may already be working on it, but to be sure you should talk to your cousin about contacting DCF to make the change of custody happen.

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support and Family Law for Florida on
Q: Is there any chance to get custody of a child back when u lost battle when she was a baby?

I lost custody of my child and didn’t have any representation in 2013 the year she was born. She was taken from me and I wasn’t in a great place to get her back. Now I live in Florida and own my own home and am married with two boys. She would have her own room and want her in my life I feel... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Dec 3, 2020

You do not say how you lost custody. If your parental rights were terminated then there may be no recourse. On the other hand, if 100% timesharing was awarded to the other parent then you can go back to court for a modification. Speak to a local family law attorney.

Good luck.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Child Support for Florida on
Q: Good Day, Is their a way i can take a dna blood test for a child I'm on child support for, that i have never saw?

2004 was told by ex girlfriend i wasnt the father of the child. Come September 2014 I got served papers while living in another state. I Filled out the paperwork saying i want blood test for the child. I dont think that I'm the father. Come January 2015, money start coming out of my check,and... View More

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Dec 3, 2020

You need to look at the pleadings that were filed in 2014-15 to see what the determination was regarding paternity. Depending on what they say you may have a problem because you have waited so long to challenge the finding (at least in court). It is very difficult to recover child support that has... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Child Custody and Family Law for Florida on
Q: My 1.5 year old son has my last name, but I am not on the birth certificate. How do I go about getting shared custody?

My son’s mother threatens to leave the state and never allow me to see him again. I want to be on the birth certificate and have shared custody. She does not cooperate.

Rand Scott Lieber
Rand Scott Lieber
answered on Dec 1, 2020

You need to file a Petition for Paternity with the court. You will then get a timesharing schedule, your name on the birth certificate, and mom will not be able to relocate without permission.

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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: I am separated from my wife

I am separated from my wife she walked out on me and my 11 year old son and 21 year old step son about 3 weeks ago since then she had moved in with 2 guys into a hotel part of the Arian brotherhood they came over to my house set me up had me arrested now I have a no contact order where I can’t... View More

Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard
answered on Nov 21, 2020

If I understand your question correctly, you want to know if you can remove your son (your 21 year-old step-son is an adult) from the state while you are being charged with some crime involving the Arian Brotherhood guys and your wife in the hotel. Yes, you can unless some condition of release... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Child Support and Family Law for Florida on
Q: in a custody battle, how do i get help for my kids involving a step parent who tries to divide my kids from grandma?
Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
Vanessa Vasquez de Lara
answered on Nov 18, 2020

This sounds like a complicated issue that will require more details to assist with. Neither the step-parent nor the grandma has rights to the children. Therefore if one is causing alienation from the other, there may not be much the court can do. But it is a child's right not to be spoken to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Child Custody for Florida on
Q: I have full custody of my kids and their dad has 3hrs a week visitation which he never took.

The judge told me i cant move my kids out of ny state. I moved to florida 5 years ago and florida set support to 650. I think my kids dad will tell the courts i left so he wont have to pay that. since i been here so long and the kids and i are established can the judge force me to move back to ny?

Destardes Moore
Destardes Moore
answered on Nov 12, 2020

You will likely need to consult with an attorney in NY to determine what document you would need to file under the circumstances. In Florida, the document that must be filed is called a Petition to Relocate. If the opposing party does not agree with the relocation and you moved contrary to the... View More

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