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Juvenile Law Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law and Probate for Oklahoma on
Q: I’m about turn 19 but still on juvenile probation for 6 felonies when I was 16?

I know the juvenile bureau has jurisdiction over me till I’m 19. I’m still on probation for something stupid I did when I was 16 I took xannax and got some assault charges. What will happen if I’m still on probation when I turn 19? I don’t feel like the probation will just be dropped. What... View More

Gary Johnston Dean
Gary Johnston Dean
answered on Mar 1, 2018

You should again read your Sentence and Probation papers. You probably will be discharged then. You also should talk to your probation officer to discuss this. Good luck to you. Stay out of trouble.

1 Answer | Asked in Education Law and Juvenile Law for Illinois on
Q: can i get a informal station adjustment for finding a coat on the ground in school then giving it back when asked aboutI

I was in school and saw a jacket laying on the floor for about an hour unattended, then grabbed it. Yes my intention was to take it but if I was pressed about it I would of course give it back. A couple hours later I got called down to the deans and asked about it. I then said yes and handed the... View More

Cheryl Powell
Cheryl Powell
answered on Mar 1, 2018

Correct action. Theft is theft. What if it was at walmart? You would have been arrested.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Support and Juvenile Law for Florida on
Q: I'm 16,boyfriend is 19.i ranaway with him,&I wrote my mom a letter saying I left voluntarily can she file a Amber alert?
Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard
answered on Mar 1, 2018

For all she knows, the note could have been written by you under duress. It would be best for you to call the authorities and straighten this out before someone gets in deeper trouble.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law, Family Law, Domestic Violence and Juvenile Law for California on
Q: I got pregnant as a minor my boyfriend is 5 years older can he be prosecuted if we married in california
Dale S. Gribow
Dale S. Gribow
answered on Feb 28, 2018

i doubt if they would look back now that you are 18 and if married to him with a baby

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Juvenile Law for Ohio on
Q: My son is 18, gf 17 and has a child. they want to move in together, her parents approve. need to list her as occupant

in order to be granted a lease he needs to list her and her child as an occupant. her parents have given consent verbally. emancipation is not worth trying she will be 18 in nov. is there a way to get temp custody so they can legally get the apartment? we are in ohio.

Joseph Jaap
Joseph Jaap
answered on Feb 27, 2018

Son can establish paternity and then file for parental rights/shared custody in court, and be required to pay child support. But the landlord shouldn't need that, if all that is needed is daughter and child listed on lease.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: can my 11 year old daughter be charged for playing around and hitting her friend in school?

she was playing around a couple of months ago and hit her friend a little hard, and now the d.a. is calling us to go see them. what can we do and is this legal just for horseplaying with her friend?

Grant St Julian III
Grant St Julian III
answered on Feb 27, 2018

A juvenile case COULD be filed against your daughter, but whether it will or not is uncertain. It is concerning that the DA is calling. Don't provide any statement until you meet with an attorney.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Juvenile Law and Child Custody for Virginia on
Q: Can my daughter move out at 18 even if she's still in high school?

She wants to move in with a friend.

Michael Christopher Miller
Michael Christopher Miller
answered on Feb 27, 2018

She can move at age 18 because she is an adult.

It would also terminate the obligation of child support. Even though she is still in high school, she would not be residing with the parent who would be receiving child support.

2 Answers | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: My son has a 14 month old baby who has been placed with the mother's STEP SISTER. Why WON'T the court place her with us?

We are the paternal grandparents, and filed a petition over a year ago to get custody if her. We were approved with everything DFCS required of us. Now my son gets visitation, overnight visits and another day visit during each week, but if foster family wants to take baby out of town on the... View More

Kim Ebert
Kim Ebert
answered on Feb 27, 2018

Consider consulting with an attorney familiar with dependency actions and some sort of public interest experience (such as Assistant Public Defender in a Unified Court and Legal Aid). Placement can be changed or modified.

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1 Answer | Asked in Civil Rights, Criminal Law, Family Law and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: My 15 year old son has refused to come home and has been living at his friends house for the past 2 weeks.

He has done this before for a shorter time and I did report him missing/runaway but I feel like the police didn't take the situation seriously. They checked out all of the locations that I reported but essentially just waited for him to come back home on his own. Which he did, but once I... View More

Kiele Linroth Pace
Kiele Linroth Pace
answered on Apr 5, 2018

I suppose you could report the friend's parents for the crime of Harboring a Runaway Child (PC 25.06) but that doesn't sound like the sort of solution you are seeking.

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: I was denied access into juvenile court. I went as a member of the general public to observe cases. What should I do?

I understand the Georgia Code Title 15 Chapter 11 Article 9 entitled "access to hearings and records" grants me certain rights and limits others. However, do to a lack of knowledge on the law by a "Chief Probation Officer" I was denied entrance to observing any of the cases.

P. Justin Thrailkill
P. Justin Thrailkill
answered on Feb 26, 2018

It is actually legal to restrict access to juvenile court to non-parties. These hearings are not public and fall into an exception to the general rule.

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: In the state of Georgia can a 17 yr old male and a ten year old male share a room as long as they sleep in separae bed
P. Justin Thrailkill
P. Justin Thrailkill
answered on Feb 26, 2018

So long as they aren't having intercourse I don't see what the issue would be.

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Tennessee on
Q: My 15yr old son has a runaway charge as of 2 days ago. He now lives with his father. What happens in court

We have joint custody.

Marjorie A Bristol
Marjorie A Bristol
answered on Feb 25, 2018

It depends on what history he has, how he is doing in school, does he have mental health issues, etc. If this is a first incident, DCS will probably work with you and his father to see if any services can help.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Juvenile Law for Missouri on
Q: If I'm 15 and I move with my dad, but my mom has residential custody, can juvie take me away if she has called them?

The mom is an unfit mother, and I wan to stay home alone for one week, so my dad can work. I have food and the proper amount of needs to stay.

Lydia Seifner
Lydia Seifner
answered on Feb 26, 2018

If the court has given residential custody to your mother, then you must abide by the parenting plan should she decide to enforce it. Talk to your dad and an attorney local to you about your dad seeking a Motion to Modify to have residential custody switched to your father.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: Yes im a grandmother of 5 and have had 2 since birth now due to circumstance and allowgations on my other daughter the

Other children were placed with me papers signed but next day defacs came in at 1 in the morning and took all 5 kids no reason why noe saying it was because 2 yrs ago i was arrested and was believed to have b÷n high hoe is this fair are right

P. Justin Thrailkill
P. Justin Thrailkill
answered on Feb 25, 2018

Talk to an attorney about representation in this matter.

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Tennessee on
Q: If a 14 & 16 year old run aways from a Youth Village home, stays ranaway for several days, breaks into several houses

by taking knives and guns. Hiding from the law. Does the sheriff's office have the right to lock them up & keep them in jail until they can find a placement youth facility that can securely keep them within in the facility or should they be returning to the original youth village until trial?

Marjorie A Bristol
Marjorie A Bristol
answered on Feb 24, 2018

They can hold them in juvenile detention, but not jail. They can hold them until the charges are resolved, but most likely will return them to DCS prior to that happening.

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Ohio on
Q: If a 13 year old post on social media about shooting up a school can cops question them

with out telling them their rights first

Joseph Jaap
Joseph Jaap
answered on Feb 26, 2018

Yes. But certain statements might not be admissible in court if charges are filed.

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: I am 16 and pregnant by a 26 year old but nobody has proof of who my baby's father is what actions can be taken?

I have been living on my own since I was 14, and have been with this 26 year old ever since. Everybody thinks we are friends and my father and mother knows I have been living with him and I have proof they know and neither has taken any action. So, now that I am pregnant by him I am sure they are... View More

Matthew Valley
Matthew Valley
answered on Feb 24, 2018

It isn't really up to your parents whether or not this guy gets charged. 17 is the age of consent in Texas, and you two are too far apart in ages for any reliance on Texas' version of "Romeo and Juliet." Your baby's father could be facing statutory rape and other criminal charges.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: In texas a 17 year old male pulled the hair of a female student and now her parents filed charges. What can the male do?

It happened in school. The principal gave the male saturday school. But the parents of the female filed charges outside of school. What can the parents of the male who pulled the girls hair do? Hire a lawyer if so what kind?

Matthew Valley
Matthew Valley
answered on Feb 23, 2018

Consult with a local defense attorney. 17 year olds are adults in the eyes of the Texas criminal justice system and he could easily be facing jail time for yanking a girl's hair if the county/district attorney decides to pick up the case.

2 Answers | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: My son is 14 yrs old and made a terroristic threat at school, can the school question him without a parent present?

The school states they used the security camera, they saw him go into the boys' room. The next day they saw a threat written on bathroom wall. They said going back in video, they guesssed it was him by his shoes, they questioned him and called the police. I was not notified until after the... View More

Kiele Linroth Pace
Kiele Linroth Pace
answered on Feb 23, 2018

I recommend that you attempt to have this question removed from this public website because it is potentially incriminating and has enough details to uniquely identify your son. Law Enforcement investigators have access to these pages just like everyone else.

You son will need an...
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1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Ohio on
Q: Fight occurred at school with minors what could the consequences be? My kid injured the other

14 yr old son was at school and another child 13yr pushed my son and spit in his face and my son reacted and punched him causing injuries, was sent home from school and has a meeting for expulsion, what could happen to my child?

Matthew Williams
Matthew Williams
answered on Feb 22, 2018

He may be expelled or suspended from school, and could face a criminal complaint for assault. Try to deal with this reasonably with the school. If anyone starts talking about involving the police, end the conversation and get an attorney.

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