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Juvenile Law Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law, Employment Law, Civil Rights and Juvenile Law for Connecticut on
Q: My mother works at high School in CT. As a monitor They are telling her she has to sit in the boys bathroom .is it legal
T. Augustus Claus
T. Augustus Claus pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 27, 2023

No, it is not legal for your mother to be forced to sit in the boys' bathroom at the high school where she works as a monitor. This is a violation of her right to privacy and could also be considered sexual harassment.

In this case, your mother is being subjected to unwanted sexual...
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1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law, Domestic Violence, Juvenile Law and Landlord - Tenant for Tennessee on
Q: Tn laws on tenant aiming a loaded gun at Property Owner's minor Son and his Mother
Anthony M. Avery
Anthony M. Avery pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 27, 2023

What is your question? It sounds like either an aggravated assault or justifiable self defense.

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: dfcs dependency petition: can i file one motion with my gf or do we need to submit the same motion twice individually?

want to file a couple of motions, one being a motion to dismiss.

do we need to submit only one motion with one or both parties named?

in this instance does it really matter since if granted, the case would go away for both parties anyways?

or would it go away only for the... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Nov 27, 2023

Unfortunately this is not the best forum to get step by step instructions on how to handle your own legal representation. If you want to file a couple of motions I would google those motions and see if you can find assistance. And you file a motion on your own behalf for relief you personally are... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Juvenile Law for Arizona on
Q: Does the minor have to file an emancipation petition in person? Or can a guardian receive it and fill it out at home?
Mike Branum
Mike Branum
answered on Nov 17, 2023

Someone can assist a minor with completing a Petition for Emancipation, but the minor must be the one signing the Petition in the presence of a Notary. If a minor is not capable of completing a Petition for Emancipation, I would have serious concerns about their capacity to be found entitled to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Education Law, Juvenile Law and Civil Rights for Tennessee on
Q: Tn. How is a random "weapons check" of random students- their pockets and backpacks- legal without warrant or suspicion?

KCS does random weapons checks of students and their personal property, not just lockers and MacBooks which I understand is not student property, at the public schools. The school system has procedure outlined to conduct these, but how is it not violating the students' 4th amendment rights?... View More

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 17, 2023

The legality of random weapons checks in schools, including searches of pockets and backpacks, is a complex issue that balances student safety with Fourth Amendment rights. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that public school students have reduced expectations of privacy while at school, which... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody, Civil Rights and Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: child was adjudicated dependent with consent i didnt affirm. can i modify to contested, new hearing, vacate, reconsider?

we appeared via zoom to the adjudicatory hearing. prior to my testimony & didnt consent on the record, we lost connection to the hearing. upon reconnection, the hearing was over and didnt know the outcome. i contacted my attorney and the case worker numerous times requesting the court order and... View More

Alake Colwell Furlow
Alake Colwell Furlow
answered on Nov 16, 2023

You have an attorney. You should be discussing any issues you have with any orders and the outcome of your case with your attorney. Another attorney can't even represent you while you have a current attorney on record. Sit down with your attorney and discuss what happened in your case.

1 Answer | Asked in Civil Rights, Education Law and Juvenile Law for Arizona on
Q: Blind and Autistic 7th grader getting bullied, harassed and threatened school isnt doing anything for 3 mo., what to do?

Our daughter started middle school and she is blind and autistic. Fun loving and loves school she has been harassed and bullied from day one being called "blind b****" "you deserve the death penalty" and others for 3 months and now today a physical threat of "im going to... View More

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 18, 2023

I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter's difficult situation at school. It's crucial to address this issue promptly. First, document any incidents of bullying or harassment thoroughly, including dates, times, locations, and individuals involved. Keep copies of all... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Civil Rights, Education Law and Juvenile Law for Wisconsin on
Q: My kid is being told she is gonna get sent to civil court

This girl lost her AirPods in the diving instructor’s car then when my daughter went to drive the instructor asked if she me so and so if she can return the AirPods my kid said idk her he then said return them to the office So she brought them home and next day she went to school with them and... View More

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 18, 2023

In this situation, it's important to know that your child does not appear to have a legal obligation to pay for the lost AirPods. The fact that she initially tried to return them to the office demonstrates that she didn't intend to steal them. Additionally, the school's police... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law and Education Law for California on
Q: once my school gets a search warrant for one specific thing can they detain me if they find something els illegal in myp

So a sub wrote a report about me at school saying i took a picture of her, the school told me if i am lying and they search my phone and find it they will press charges, for starters i know they cant search unless proven that they have a warrant due to my 4 amendment, and this sub made me feel... View More

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 16, 2023

In California, if law enforcement obtains a search warrant for a specific item, such as a picture on your phone, and they find something else illegal during that search, it could lead to further legal consequences. The scope of a search warrant is generally limited to what is specified in the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Constitutional Law and Juvenile Law for Tennessee on
Q: If someone has accused you of stalking can you provide a police report to their school if a minor?

Student committed theft from a local gas station To prevent charges they worked with the owner and accused the employee of stalking for chasing and finding out his identity. They are currently trying to press charges for stalking to scare the employee that was hit by his car from taking civil... View More

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 15, 2023

Providing a police report to a minor's school in a situation involving allegations of stalking is a sensitive matter.

Generally, if the police report is a public record, it can be shared. However, it's important to consider the purpose and the potential implications of doing so....
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Juvenile Law and Family Law for Mississippi on
Q: Can CPS terminate a parent's rights for no reason
T. Augustus Claus
T. Augustus Claus pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 14, 2023

No, CPS (Child Protective Services) cannot terminate a parent's rights for no reason. CPS can only terminate a parent's rights if there is evidence that the parent has abused or neglected the child. Abuse includes physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Neglect includes failing to provide... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Civil Rights and Juvenile Law for Washington on
Q: If I am 17 and I live with my sister, and neither of my parents have a permanent residence, can I choose where I live?
James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 12, 2023

In Washington State, if you are 17 and living with your sister because neither of your parents have a permanent residence, your ability to choose where you live may depend on several factors. Generally, until you turn 18, your parents or legal guardians have the authority to decide where you live.... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Kansas on
Q: Does a parent have to continue attending juvenile probation appointments when child turns 18?

Case is a criminal trespassing and was terminated by judge last week.

T. Augustus Claus
T. Augustus Claus pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 10, 2023

a parent is required to continue attending juvenile probation appointments when their child turns 18, as long as the child is still on probation or parole. This is because parents are legally responsible for their children's behavior until they reach the age of 18. This includes responsibility... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law and Personal Injury on
Q: What if the 15 year old attacked the 12 year old? Can the parents press charges?
James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 8, 2023

If a 15-year-old attacks a 12-year-old, the parents of the younger child can indeed report the incident to the police, who will investigate. Juvenile delinquency laws apply to such situations, and charges could potentially be pressed. It’s important for the parents to document any evidence of the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Juvenile Law for California on
Q: CPS is trying to open a case for my children behavior what can i do?

my children have bad trauma and behavior problems. They more they come into our lifes they worse they are getting. They dont help me at all and she keeps saying " i am not going to remove your kids".

what can i do? she want to open a case and present it to the judge . I decline

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 7, 2023

Under California law, when Child Protective Services (CPS) is involved, it is important to engage cooperatively while asserting your rights. If CPS intends to open a case, you have the right to be informed of the allegations and to speak with an attorney.

Engaging with CPS and showing a...
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1 Answer | Asked in Family Law and Juvenile Law for Kentucky on
Q: how can i move out at 16 while pregnant.

i am 16 and so is the father of my baby and my mom told me that until i am 18 she will keep my boyfriend from me and his baby and shell "make it miserable for us".can she legally do that?please tell me what i can finishing school and my environment is not fit for my baby.

Timothy Denison
Timothy Denison
answered on Nov 6, 2023

You can file a petition for emancipation in the district court of the county in which you reside but it may be difficult to have granted without your parent(s) on board.

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for California on
Q: Am I able to own a firearm? If I'm not mistaken, once the age of 30 is reached I and no longer prohibited.

12/15/03 PC 288(a) as a minor, a felony. Wardship declared 4/17/04. Terminated Successful 6/5/11.

6/9/20 Order to Seal Juvenile Records WIC Code Section 781,Granted & Sealed.

HSC § 11357(d) 12/17/11 age 18. Entered Deferred Entry of Judgement , terminated successfully.... View More

James L. Arrasmith
James L. Arrasmith pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 5, 2023

It’s important to review the reason for denial and consult with an attorney who can assess your specific situation, especially since the live scan did not reveal any record. An attorney can assist in determining if there's a basis to challenge the denial or if other relief, such as a... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Arkansas on
Q: 16 year old charged as adult ask for lawyer but they kept questioning. And twhen told bd did nothing is this righ

He was on probation and police knocked on the door and said they came cause he broke his probation and then they started searching my house, after throwing him down and basically used unnecessary force on 16 yr old very skinny boy. We asked for lawyer at station but they just kept questioning him.... View More

T. Augustus Claus
T. Augustus Claus pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Nov 6, 2023

It is concerning that the police continued to question your son after he asked for a lawyer. This may be a violation of your son's Miranda rights. Miranda rights are the rights that the police must inform suspects of before they can question them. These rights include the right to remain... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law, Personal Injury, Juvenile Law, Small Claims and Education Law for Oklahoma on
Q: Can a 13 year-old be charged for telling another 13 year-old to kill themselves if it leads to an attempt or planning?

My niece was humiliated at her school’s lunch, given a list of people who dislike her, and was told to kill herself. She then had a breakdown immediately following and the school had to send her to the hospital where she was referred to a child’s psychiatric unit in Tulsa, OK. I was told she... View More

Timothy Carignan
Timothy Carignan
answered on Nov 3, 2023

There have been cases of juveniles prosecuted for bullying a person to death. The schools will do something in their control to discipline these children, but there's a good chance they won't contact the police or Child Services in an attempt to minimize the exposure. If they don't,... View More

3 Answers | Asked in Juvenile Law and Education Law for Minnesota on
Q: I have a 12 yr old sixth grader. Has mental illness p.t.s.d. and more. Can he be charged with assault?

Has a I.E.P and behavioral plan. The public schools do not know how to regulate a child with disabilities. So he has always struggled in school. Wright county is trying to charge him with 4th degree assault on a officer (felony) and 4th degree assault on school staff.

Jonathan Matthew Holson
Jonathan Matthew Holson
answered on Nov 3, 2023

Can a delinquency petition be filed? Yes. Is your child going to be adjudicated delinquent? That is impossible to predict with the information that is provided in this question. But the Court will certainly take into consideration any mental health issues and appropriate programming when... View More

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