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Juvenile Law Questions & Answers
1 Answer | Asked in Wrongful Death, Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Florida on
Q: W/If a kid (under the age of 15) breaks into my home, and uses my easily accessible (not locked up) gun to kill himself?

Just a general question.

Terrence H Thorgaard
Terrence H Thorgaard
answered on Apr 9, 2018

Are you asking if you could be found to be liable for wrongful death? By "breaks in", I'm assuming that, in your scenario, the doors were locked. It's not likely, but in the event it does happen you should contact your homeowner's insurance company.

1 Answer | Asked in Adoption, Child Custody, Gov & Administrative Law and Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: My court hearing with dfcs is tomorrow. can i go to courthouse today and request a attorney or is it too late?

i live in cordele, georgia and its a permanency hearing for my children that i didnt get notified of until this past Saturday night at 830pm via text message of a screenshot of a document that im assuming was sent to the case worker that sent it to me.

P. Justin Thrailkill
P. Justin Thrailkill
answered on Apr 9, 2018

You need to speak with an attorney ASAP. If this is a permanency hearing, you should've already been afforded the opportunity to get a court appointed attorney. If you have not, ask for one tomorrow. They will have to determine if you qualify for a court appointed attorney, so they may have... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Juvenile Law and Child Custody for Illinois on
Q: I am 17 yr old and live in an abusive house with my mother and stepfather. My real father called DCFS no results.

It was after my stepdad beat me....they isolated took 2 weeks to contact my real dad about it and he called my school counselor who reported it to DCFS my mom got mad at dad for that and went to court .judge issued an Op where I can't be around my father .she didn't even tell me,... View More

Mrs. Lucinda D. Bugden
Mrs. Lucinda D. Bugden
answered on Apr 9, 2018

Under Illinois law, both parents get visitation (now called "parenting time") with their children. Therefore your legal father should have court ordered visitation with you. On the Order of Protection which named you without your consent, you can appear in court on the OOP & tell the... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Virginia on
Q: My daughter is 14 and got in to a fight with a girl at school she pulled one of her fake braids out of her head which

Has caused the girl to get two stables in her head so they are giving her a felony which is dropped down to misdemeanor only if she is good in school out of school no more fights til the next court date and also has to participate in programs then they will dropped the felony to me this punishment... View More

Steve Miyares
Steve Miyares
answered on Apr 9, 2018

What is your question?

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Illinois on
Q: I’m 18. 19 in may. She’s 16. 17 in October. We think she’s pregnant. Can I go to jail?
James G. Ahlberg
James G. Ahlberg
answered on Apr 9, 2018

The Illinois Criminal Code provides that a person commits criminal sexual abuse if that person commits an act of sexual penetration or sexual conduct with a victim who is at least 13 years of age but under 17 years of age and the person is less than 5 years older than the victim. Depending on... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Family Law, Child Custody and Juvenile Law for Maine on
Q: DHHS became involved due to my bf's criminal record. He has nothing against children. My son is 11 has been with me all

DHHS became involved due to my bf's criminal record. He has nothing against children. My son is 11 has been with me all his life. I gave his dad sole R&R so DHHS would leave. My son refuses to live with his dad. He wants to runaway and has become really depressed. What repracations am I... View More

Robert Guillory
Robert Guillory
answered on Apr 9, 2018

you can file a motion to modify the order giving the father sole parental rights to change the contact provisions and primary residence etc. you will have to show something has changed since the order giving sole rights to dad. That would be your son's reaction to living with his dad. Of... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Pennsylvania on
Q: Is it illegal for a 20 year old to date a 17 year old?
Zak Taylor Goldstein
Zak Taylor Goldstein
answered on Apr 15, 2018

No, that is not illegal.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: 13 year old female tells her mother she had sex with 16year old male
Gary D. Peak
Gary D. Peak
answered on Apr 7, 2018

A person under age 14 cannot consent to sex. So there is a presumption if is without consent.

If the 16 year old is more than 3 years older that the 13 year old, that is another problem. While on paper it looks like 3 years, it depends on when the birthdays fall. 13 year old could have...
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1 Answer | Asked in Civil Rights, Criminal Law, Family Law and Juvenile Law for North Carolina on
Q: I am a 17yr old in NC and I want to leave my house... i know i need to plan so I need specifics.

I am 17 and life in my house is getting bad, my dad has been telling me we arent going to make it in this house together, i keep getting in trouble part of it my fault and the other side is not. I dont want to be in this hostile environment and I want my parents to understand that if we cant work... View More

Amanda Bowden Johnson
Amanda Bowden Johnson pro label Lawyers, want to be a Justia Connect Pro too? Learn more ›
answered on Apr 6, 2018

At 17, you be respectful and do what your parents tell you. At 18 - do what you want.

1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: A 5th grader banged my 2nd grade sons head into bus window and punched him. Is there anything to do about this assault?
Stephen Arnold Black
Stephen Arnold Black
answered on Apr 20, 2018 should retain counsel for a free consult. The parents of the boy may be liable as well as the school.


Offices in Orlando, Fl. and Houston, Tx.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law, Civil Litigation and Juvenile Law for Florida on
Q: Shd 1 expln th fcts n defns of an MIP Tobaco cita to th judge at the herng for disml OR just respctfly demand demd dissm

should one explain the truth and facts of the incident to/for the judge at a hearing for dismissal (not a trial) or just reiterate a respectful demand for dismissal

Andy Wayne Williamson
Andy Wayne Williamson
answered on Apr 5, 2018

No idea. There is not enough information here to venture a response. It is clear that you have some type of court case pending. Asking what you should or should not do in a court case, via the internet is not the best approach. If you are representing yourself in a litigation case, and you do... View More

2 Answers | Asked in Family Law, Adoption, Child Custody and Juvenile Law for Tennessee on
Q: If another state dramatically mismanages a foster child's case, can I sue the sate for legal guardianship?

This child is my blood relative and was placed with us for permanent placement. She has been suddenly placed back with bio parents on 2 occasions after PTR has been filed. She is only 3. She has moved homes 5 times. The caseworker has not made 1 choice in the best interest of this child. The last... View More

Mr. William Ray Glasgow
Mr. William Ray Glasgow
answered on Apr 5, 2018

There may be actions you can take to get children properly placed, but it appears you need an experienced attorney at this point. "Suing" the state should not be at the top of your list. It is difficult for everyone when the state finds it necessary to remove children from their parents.... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in International Law, Internet Law and Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: So, if a 19 Year Old in England is soliciting nudes from a 16 Year Old in america, what laws apply?

Basically a friend of mine 16(american) was talking to a guy in england, and had minor sexually lenient conversations, and apparently asked to send nudes by a 19(british) guy. She said no and was very creeped out, I confronted the guy and he said that the age of consent was 16 in England and there... View More

P. Justin Thrailkill
P. Justin Thrailkill
answered on Apr 4, 2018

Sixteen is the age of consent in Georgia too. That said, you should still address it with the police. Nothing will likely come of it, as he will not be arrested for anything unless he comes to Georgia, but there could be other crimes here.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for California on
Q: Can multiple eyewitness can help us? What is our situation here?

My son, his girlfriend, my husband, and I were arrested for harassment and disorderly conduct at a quick serve restaurant.

My son and his girlfriend are 11. They were just kissing and hugging, then a lady went off on us, we gotten into an argument, and she called the cops on us that got us... View More

Dale S. Gribow
Dale S. Gribow
answered on Apr 4, 2018


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1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Georgia on
Q: After school ends me nd my girlfriend will go on vacation somewhere until school starts, but without parental consent 17

We are both 17 years old, but she does not want to return home after we leave our vacation because of her dad not treating her fairly, will we both be forced to go back home

P. Justin Thrailkill
P. Justin Thrailkill
answered on Apr 3, 2018

Yes, you are too young to make that decision.

1 Answer | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: Is there paperwork available to consent my 14 yr old daughter to date a 17 yr old boy

This is more to cover his end for his parents I am ok with it and so are they but they want to protect him as well. I totally understand but want to put some ease on them.

Grant St Julian III
Grant St Julian III
answered on Apr 3, 2018

Define date. Any Sexual Contact between the 2 of them is a felony, and anything that you sign acknowledging their relationship makes you subject to criminal prosecution.

2 Answers | Asked in Criminal Law and Juvenile Law for Texas on
Q: Is it possible to fight and beat this case?

Hello I am 16 and on the first monday of spring break me and a friend were pulled over and cuffed for call they received for burglary of a vehicle. However they did not charge us with it we were let off with curfew tickets. Well the officers had told my mom that i didn't admit to anything but... View More

Grant St Julian III
Grant St Julian III
answered on Apr 4, 2018

You have the right to enter a plea of not guilty and force the State to prove any allegation against you beyond a reasonable doubt. No one in this forum, however, can accurately evaluate your probability of success, since we don't know the evidence the State has in its possession. Start... View More

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1 Answer | Asked in Personal Injury and Juvenile Law for Tennessee on
Q: Is it Tennessee law that a settlement involving a minor be placed in a trust fund until the child is of legal age
Mr. James Charles Wright
Mr. James Charles Wright
answered on Apr 2, 2018

There are a number of statutory considerations for minor settlements. One issue is whether the amount is greater than 10,000.

Something, whether a trust, or other fiduciary protection is needed for amounts over...
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1 Answer | Asked in Child Custody, Family Law and Juvenile Law for Illinois on
Q: Emancipation + Illinois and whether it is possible for a 16 year old to be granted custody by their 26 year old sibling.
James G. Ahlberg
James G. Ahlberg
answered on Apr 2, 2018

How do your parents feel about this? If either parent objects, the court cannot declare you emancipated. Bear in mind that the purpose of the Emancipation of Minors Act "is to provide a means by which a mature minor who has demonstrated the ability and capacity to manage his own affairs and to... View More

1 Answer | Asked in Juvenile Law for Missouri on
Q: My boyfriend has been in juvie three time cause of an exparte how long will he be there
Lydia Seifner
Lydia Seifner
answered on Apr 2, 2018

How long he will be there depends on the conviction and the judge. Juvenile court can maintain jurisdiction over a person until they are 21.

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